Educommunication in the context of youth and adult education in Latin America: A state of the art based on a systematic literature review




Educommunication, Education, Communication, Youth and adult education, EPJA, Latin America, Systematic literature review, Bibliometrics


This research article presents a systematic literature review of the scientific production on the relationship between education and communication and youth and adult education in Latin America. Methods: Systematic literature review based on quantitative descriptive analysis and a qualitative approach applied on a sub-sample. Results: A total of 672 searches were carried out in WOS and SCOPUS databases. Brazil and Mexico are the most common objects of study. In general terms, there is a low scientific production in the studied area, especially when the search criteria restrict the object of study. With regards to the types of articles found, there is diversity in the formats used to disseminate research on this topic, but a prototype can be identified. Discussion and conclusions: Based on the 672 searches and the initial 5,420 results related to the object of study, it can be concluded that there is a very low scientific production, mainly dominated by mixed methodological techniques, with populations corresponding to convenience countries and samples; there is a preference for exploratory and heterogeneous research works. Second, Brazil stands out as the most common object of study and there are, with some exceptions, some degree of correlation between the number of publications by country and the country’s gross domestic product. Finally, it is concluded that a dominant model among the articles addressing research on educommunication and youth and adult education in Latin America.


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Author Biographies

Wiselis Rosanna Sena Rivas, Catholic University of Santo Domingo

Wiselis-Rosanna Sena-Rivas is a PhD candidate in Education in Knowledge Society. She holds a MA degree in ICT in Education: analysis and design of education processes, resources and practices (2013-2014), from the University of Salamanca, and a BA degree in Basic Education from the Salomé Ureña Teacher Training Institute, campus Félix Evaristo Mejía (Dominican Republic, 2007).

Professor and researcher at the Catholic University of Santo Domingo (UCSD) in the area of Speech Therapy and Information and Communication Technology.

In the teaching field, she has worked for more than fifteen years at La Salle Dominican College and the Ministry of Education.

She holds Diplomas in Youth and Adult Education, from the Technology Institute of Santo Domingo INTEC, and in Centre Management, from the Mother and Teacher University. She has completed curses and workshops in the field of research, including: “Cybersecurity and information protection”, at the Menéndez Pelayo International University, and “Educational Robotics”, at the International Center for Advanced Technologies. She has also designed and taught a set of workshops related to technology resources applied to education.

Sonia Casillas Martín, University of Salamanca

Sonia Casillas Martín holds BA degrees in Pedagogy and Educational Psychology and a PhD degree in Pedagogy. She is a Professor at the Department of Didactics, Organisation and Research Methods of the School of Education of the University of Salamanca. Member of the Educational Technology research-innovation group of the University of Salamanca (GITE-USAL). Her main lines of research are: evaluation of university teaching, educational innovation, ICT-mediated collaborative learning, digital competence.

Almudena Barrientos-Báez, University of La Laguna

Almudena Barrientos is an Associate Professor at the Iriarte University School of Tourism adscribed to the University of La Laguna (Tenerife-Spain). Master in Protocol Management, Production, Organization and Event Design (Camilo José Cela University) and Master in Management of Tourist Accommodation (University of Girona). Degree in Tourism and Teaching. Her main research interests are communication, emotional intelligence, emotion management, gender, professional performance in the tourism industry and protocol. She has published in different publishers and magazines on ICT applied to teaching, university innovation, emotional intelligence, digitalization 2.0, gender and business, the excellence of content and the use of social networks. She is a member of the Iriarte research team and a PhD international doctoral candidate at the Camilo José Cela University in Madrid.

Marcos Cabezas González , University of Salamanca

Graduated in Pedagogy, Diploma in Social Education and Doctor in Pedagogy. Professor in the Department of Didactics, Organization and Research Methods at the Faculty of Education of the University of Salamanca. Member of the Research-Innovation Group in Educational Technology of the University of Salamanca (GITE-USAL). Main lines of research: "Educational innovation", "Collaborative learning mediated by ICT", "Digital competence".


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How to Cite

Sena Rivas, W. R., Casillas Martín, S., Barrientos-Báez, A., & Cabezas González , M. (2019). Educommunication in the context of youth and adult education in Latin America: A state of the art based on a systematic literature review. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 133–171.




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