Video streaming, how platforms condition users’ behavior and expressive uses of their apps




video streaming, apps studies, walkthrough method, platforms, social media, Political economy of communication


Introduction: The interface is a node where cultural, social, and technological elements converge. This work is based on the hypothesis that platforms determine user behaviours and uses through their design. Users provide feedback to these platforms by appropriating them, i.e., through their uses. This research focuses more specifically on the analysis of streaming app functionalities and the behavioural patterns predefined by the app developers. Methodology: The main objective of this research is to find out the behavioural patterns predefined by the creators of video streaming apps integrated on the main social networks. The second objective is to establish a typology of functions that appear on the platforms analyzed, extrapolating them to the rest of the streaming apps. We use a walkthrough method to achieve the previously defined goals. Results: After examining the platforms, we operationalized different tasks and the applications’ respective functionalities, allowing us to group them into three categories: operational functions, discursive functions and interaction features. Conclusions: We conclude that the creators of mobile application interfaces for social platforms do not only consider users’ preferences but also intend to guide them towards the most interesting features from a commercial standpoint, such as live video features. Regarding audiovisual text production, the functions predetermined by the apps will influence their style and is a hallmark of the platform itself.


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Author Biographies

Antonio Castro Higueras , Universidad de Málaga

Associate Professor. Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Universidad de Málaga.
He has a Ph.D. in Communication and is an expert in cultural and creative industries. He has been a professor at the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the Universidad de Málaga since 2007. He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), the Universidad Internacional Isabel I, and has been a tutor for the Degree in Digital Design and Creation of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). In the professional field, he has been National Technical Deputy Director of the television network Localia TV, Technical Director of the production company of Grupo Prisa, Plural Entertainment, and producer of informative programs for TVE2, among other activities related to television.

José Patricio Pérez-Rufí, Universidad de Málaga

Professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Faculty of Communication
Sciences of the Universidad de Málaga since 2009. He has a Ph.D. from the Universidad de Sevilla, a degree in Audiovisual Communication, and a degree in Journalism from the Universidad de Sevilla. He teaches the subjects of Structure of the Audiovisual Market, Graphic Design, and Creative Industries and Economics: Commercialization of the Audiovisual Product at the Universidad de Málaga. He has published various monographs in publishers such as Síntesis, Quiasmo, or T&B, besides a large number of articles in academic journals on Communication. Member of the Research Team “COMMUNICAV Audiovisual and multimedia creation, production, and postproduction processes” (SEJ-585).

José Luis Torres Martín , Universidad de Málaga

Interim Substitute Professor. Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Universidad de Málaga. He has a Ph.D. in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad de Málaga. Teacher and researcher in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Faculty of  Communication Sciences of the Universidad de Málaga since 2011. He has been a member of the
Research Group “Still image, mass communication, and digital moving. The Andalusian case” (SEJ-411) and is currently a component of “Research on Transformations in the Communication Ecosystem (TRANSCOMUNICAR)” (SEJ-390). His lines of research deal with transmedia narratives, social networks,
and gender studies in audiovisual fiction. He developed his professional activity as an editor, camera operator, and director in different Andalusian media for 16 years.

Mireya Rocío Carballeda Camacho, Universidad de Málaga

Interim Substitute Professor. Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Universidad de Málaga. Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad de Málaga. She is a doctoral candidate in the Interuniversity Communication program and a professor in the Audiovisual Communication department of this University, where she teaches photography, video editing, and audiovisual language. Member of the research group SEJ-435: Advanced audiovisual content (Communication).

Miguel De Aguilera Moyano , Universidad de Málaga

Full Professor. Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. Universidad de Málaga. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science and Sociology. Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising at the Universidad de Málaga, where he was Dean of its Faculty of Communication Sciences (1996-2002) and General Director of Communication and Information (2004-2011). Holder of the UNESCO International Chair in Communication (Universities of Lyon and Grenoble) in 2006. Secretary-General of the Research Committee on Communication, Knowledge, and Culture of the International Sociological Association (1990-94). Author of more than a hundred long publications with publishers and journals from Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, and Austria, besides the Spanish.


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How to Cite

Castro Higueras , A., Pérez-Rufí, J. P., Torres Martín , J. L., Carballeda Camacho, M. R., & De Aguilera Moyano , M. (2022). Video streaming, how platforms condition users’ behavior and expressive uses of their apps . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 1–20.



Comunicación lúdica, videojuegos y gamificación