The use of social networks as marketing tools and its impact on online shopping among university students in the Chinese city of Nanjing, 2020


  • Tian Chen Universidad de Suqian



social media, marketing, shopping on social media, impact, university student, Nanjing


Introduction. In the digital age, social networks such as WeChat, QQ, Sina Weibo and TikTok, etc. They are an indispensable tool to communicate and have fun in everyday life for Chinese university students, but also to shop online. In recent years, making purchases on social networks have become a new online shopping model and a very popular behavior among Chinese youth. Objectives. The present work is mainly analyzed the following questions: what kind of impact is this use and consumption in the Youth of China is generating? And about the new Chinese business models? Methodology. These questions are solved, we examined the most attractive social network among the university students in the city of Nanjing and we observe its characteristics and peculiarities of uses and consumption. For this, we investigate the use of social networks as marketing tools for a total of 436 students from 20 universities in Nanjing by 2020. Through SPSS software, we analyze the correlation between the degree of students surveyed to the recommended products of social networks, At the same time, we also use multiple regression analysis to analyze the degree of confidence and attention from college students towards the recommended products in social networks and the frequency of purchase. Results. The main consequences are that, among them, the frequency of purchases of university students through social networks is more closely related to attention to the product (0.646), followed by the degree of trust in the products (0.625), being the correlation between the degree of trust in the product and the degree of attention the smallest (0.549). Conclusions. In the end we found that the correlation coefficients between the analyzed grades are statistically significant, that is, there is a correlation between the three.  The use of social networks as a marketing tool do have a positive impact on online purchases of university students, especially, it is concluded that both the trust in university students in the products recommended by social networks and their attentions to the products recommended products have a positive and significant impact on the frequency of purchase of recommended products on social networks.


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Author Biography

Tian Chen, Universidad de Suqian

Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Professor at Suqian

University, China.




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How to Cite

Chen, T. (2022). The use of social networks as marketing tools and its impact on online shopping among university students in the Chinese city of Nanjing, 2020. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 388–400.


