Analysis of the use of advergaming and metaverse in Spain and Mexico




advergaming, video games, advertising, metaverse, branded entertainment, Roblox, entertainment


Introduction: Youngsters are the segment that dedicates the most time to the online entertainment and thus, brands that realize this behavior, use the videogames like Roblox to impact and contact with them. Objective: approximate to the Metaverse concept and its relationship with the advergaming, through the comparison between two population segments: 18–28-year-old university students from Spain and Mexico. Methodology: mixed qualitative-quantitative based on the content analysis -study of 4 brands in Roblox- and an exploratory survey (n=300). Results: The surveyed people do not generally know what the advergaming is and do not remember the advertisements they watched while playing videogames, but they mention spontaneously some brands used inside the videogame, mainly related to the fashion, technology and food industries and did not realize them being advertised. Conclusions: The results show that there are no significant differences between neither between sex, nor country of origin of the surveyed people. The videogames are the most extended and adopted way of metaverse currently. Facebook is the most known company as an example of metaverse related enterprise and the 30% of the survey believe that metaverse was created by Facebook. There is a lack of awareness about the terms related to the advertisement inside the videogames, nevertheless the players accept widely them while playing their favorite titles, even they qualify them as innovative.



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Author Biographies

Gema Bonales Daimiel, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

She graduated Cum laude with a doctorate in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations and has a Bachelor’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the UCM. She has a Master's degree in Commercial Management from ESIC and a Master's degree in Marketing Management from URJC. Gema is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Communication Sciences.

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Eva Citlali Martínez Estrella, Tecnológico de Monterrey

She has a Master’s degree in Communication in Organizations from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Digital Media from the Tecnológico de Monterrey. She is currently pursuing a doctorate in Audiovisual Communication, Advertising, and Public Relations at the UCM. She is an expert in communication and a university professor. She has worked as an education professional and Marketing and Public Relations Coordinator in different institutions.

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Sheila Liberal Ormaechea, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

She has a Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2012); She has a Master's Degree in Marketing and Corporate Communication from the Universidad San Jorge de Zaragoza (2008) and a Master's Degree in Commercial Management and Marketing from ESIC (2003). She has a Bachelor’s degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Universidad de Navarra (2001). She currently works as Vice Dean of Research at the Faculty of Communication of the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

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Google Scholar: ResearchGate: chea-2119073002


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How to Cite

Bonales Daimiel, G., Martínez Estrella, E. C., & Liberal Ormaechea, S. (2022). Analysis of the use of advergaming and metaverse in Spain and Mexico. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (80), 155–178.



Comunicación lúdica, videojuegos y gamificación

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