Russia-Ukraine, a comparative analysis of the Twitter audience of the profiles of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Office of the President of Ukraine




Social audience, war, social media, Russia, Twitter, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin.


Introduction: On February 24, 2022, the Russian invasion of Ukraine began. The conflict has also spread on social networks, where both the invader and the invaded are responsible for building their own story. Objectives: To carry out a comparative analysis of the social audience on Twitter of the profiles of the Government of the Russian Federation (@GovernmentRF) and the Office of the President of Ukraine (@APUkraine). Methodology: Two social analytics tools based on the application of audience intelligence algorithms have been used, with a double objective: on the one hand, to carry out an analysis of the composition of the social audience of the chosen profiles; and on the other hand, through the choice of keywords, identify which profiles achieve greater reach and authority. Discussion and results: The applications have allowed us to study the audiences of the two selected profiles, providing a detailed description of the segments or communities that shape that audience, their demographic and psychographic data, while allowing segments to be connected. of audiences with other social listening and analytics platforms, influencer marketing tools, digital advertising platforms and other social analytics applications. Conclusions: The analysis carried out is of great importance to know the profile and interests of the Twitter audience of the followers of the official accounts of Russia and Ukraine, showing that words such as "no war" or "reject" are among the most repeated. in the tweets published between March 18 and April 17, 2022, as well as Hashtags about cities hit by war are the most used in these publications.


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Author Biographies

Andrea Donofrio, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

He is a professor at the Department of Journalism and Global Communication at the Faculty of Information Sciences at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). He teaches the Master's Degree in Equality and Gender Violence Intervention in Various Professional Areas, attached to the Feminist Research Institute of the UCM, he is the Coordinator of the subject History of Political Thought of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM. Currently, he is Co-director of the scientific journal 'Historia y Comunicación Social' and a member of various projects such as: the R&D project corresponding to the state program for the promotion of Scientific and Technical Research of excellence, state subprogram for the generation of knowledge, Dictionary of political and social symbols: iconographic keys, places of memory, and symbolic landmarks in the Spanish imaginary of the 20th century, the project of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Global and Transnational History, the Teaching Innovation project entitled Creation of contents for a web environment on Media Memory IV corresponding to the 2018 call for Innovation Projects and Improvement of Teaching Quality of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is an expert in the History of Political Thought, Italian Politics, and International Relations, and he has made various publications on these topics, such as: 1968: la contestación estudiantil en Italia y el PCI, Revista Pasado y Memoria. Revista de Historia Contemporánea, nº 21, 2020, pp. 179-201, Prologue of the journal Revista Historia y Comunicación Social, with I. Tajahuerce and Manuel González Lozano, vol. 25, nº 1, 2020, Érase una vez el eurocomunismo. Las razones de un fracaso, Editorial Tecnos, 2018, Historia actual del mundo, with J. C. Rueda Laffond, J. A. Sánchez Román, and A. L. Rubio, Editorial Síntesis, 2016, or La mirada del otro. La imagen de España, ayer y hoy, with J. Varela Ortega and Fernando R. Lafuente, Editorial Fórcola, 2016.

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Ángel Luis Rubio Moraga, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

He has a Ph.D. in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from the same University. He is a specialist in New Information Technologies, the Internet, and Digital Journalism. He has published numerous articles on these topics, especially on the functions and changes experienced in the figure of the journalist in the face of the new digital challenge, as well as on freedom of expression on the Internet and the exercise of the rights and duties of citizens on the Internet. He is currently a professor in the Department of Journalism and Global Communication of the Faculty of Information Sciences of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he teaches different subjects related to the historical aspect of communication (journalism, propaganda, technologies). Responsible for the Project for Innovation and Improvement of Teaching Quality linked to the journal La Huella Digital and member of numerous R&D&i research projects related both to the study of the contents on Televisión Española as well as to the analysis of the new forms of communication from the point of view of neuroscience.

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Carolina Abellán Guzmán, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Associate professor in the Department of Journalism and Global Communication of the Faculty of Information Sciences, where she teaches undergraduate courses in History of Universal Journalism and History of Social Movements, and master's degree courses in History of Social Movements. She has over 15 years of media experience in television, radio, and digital press. She is a member of the Internet Media Lab research group. Center for Innovation and Interactive Media Studies and the Teaching Innovation Project Comunicahistoria. Creation and dissemination of interactive and audiovisual resources for communication training.


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How to Cite

Donofrio, A., Rubio Moraga, Ángel L., & Abellán Guzmán, C. (2023). Russia-Ukraine, a comparative analysis of the Twitter audience of the profiles of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Office of the President of Ukraine. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (81), 18–43.


