Correlation between Facebook and Google Scholar in scientific journals impact
social networks, academic index, journal metrics, digitalizationAbstract
Introduction: Scientific journals (SJ) guarantee quality and contribute to the construction of knowledge through the publication and dissemination of research results. Methodology: The empirical study had a mixed approach, non-experimental cross-sectional design, and descriptive and correlational scope. The social network chosen for the analysis was Facebook, the metric was the number of citations registered in the GScholar profile, and the population was 2054 SJ from Latin America registered in the 2.0 catalog of the Regional Information System online for Latindex Scientific Journals. The data was analyzed in SPSS 25 software, and Spearman's correlation coefficient test was performed. Results: There is a) a Low positive correlation between Facebook posts and citations obtained in GScholar, b) a Moderate positive correlation between the number of Facebook followers and the number of GScholar citations c) a Weak positive correlation between the number of followers of the SJ on Facebook and the number of citations obtained by the SJ in GScholar. Discussion: The limitation was to consider a single social network; it is suggested, for future research, to include other social networks and analyze the shared content. Conclusions: The use of social networks and marketing strategies by SJs is an activity that must be incorporated into daily actions considering that, in current times, a large part of the daily activities of people -scientists and researchers included- are developed through digital platforms and devices.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Antonio Sanchez-Bayon, Jorge Cueva, Nicolás Sumba, Priscila Paredes, Kenya Carbo
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