Atributos de la personalidad de marca socialmente responsable
branding; socially responsible brand; social responsability; brand personality; brand management; corporate communicationAbstract
In the current context where governments, companies and in general, the society are aiming to end poverty, protect the planet and guarantee that people live in peace and prosperity, the social actions undertaken by organisations have turned into an element that can influence the positive perception evoked in the public. Therefore, different studies (Becker-Olsen, Cudmore and Hill, 2006; Du, Bhattacharya and Sen, 2007; Hildebrand, Demotta, Sen and Valenzuela, 2017; Hoeffler and Keller, 2002; Madden, Roth and Dillon, 2012; Manzano, Simó and Pérez, 2013; Rivera, Bigne and Curras-Perez, 2016; Sen and Bhattacharya, 2001, among others) have focused on analysing the effects of corporate social responsibility (CSR), concluding that they might be a factor that positively modifies the perceptions of consumers about a company and its role in the society, significantly impacting the strength and value of a brand. In this line, this study analyses the communication attributes perceived as determinant traits of a socially responsible brand personality. These traits are assessed by 385 individuals from different nationalities in order to identify the associations and clusters of attributes that allow the construction of a socially responsible brand personality. The results obtained show the existence of different factors that influence the assessment of studied attributes and allow to conclude that there is a relational structure of attributes that can constitute a new dimension of brands, endowing them of a socially responsible personality that complements and enhances the values of the organisation altogether.
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