Fighting disinformation through source management: a comparison between journalistic models in the context of COVID-19




journalism, news sources, quality, covid-19, misinformation, professional models, verification platforms


Introduction: The pandemic of misinformation has shaped the journalistic coverage of covid-19, so it is interesting to see how different journalistic models have used source management as a quality criterion to address it. Methodology: This paper analyses the journalistic sources - from the indicators of number, identification and typology - used in 420 articles on the coverage of covid-19 corresponding to four journalistic professional models: traditional press, digital native media, popular press and verification platforms. Results: The analysis reflects an adequate management of sources by the Spanish press during the coverage of the pandemic, mostly using a higher than standard number of sources; identifying them correctly in almost all cases; and using an adequate variety. Therefore, despite the clear predominance of official sources, there is also a notable presence of expert sources from the scientific and health fields. Discussion and conclusions: The quality of source management has contributed to fighting disinformation in the Spanish press, although there are important differences between professional models. Verification platforms are those with the highest quality standards when managing their information sources, which helps to reinforce key criteria in the fight against disinformation, such as verification, relevance, credibility and transparency.


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Author Biographies

Rosana Sanahuja Sanahuja, Universitat Jaume I

PhD Assistant Professor of Journalism in the Department of Communication Sciences of the Universitat Jaume I and researcher of the Practical Ethics and Democracy group. She has a degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a PhD from the Department of Communication Sciences of the UJI. She has expanded her studies with the Master's Degree in New Trends and Innovation Processes in Communication and the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Ethics and Democracy. Her lines of research include innovation trends in journalism, artificial intelligence, information quality, responsible research and innovation (RRI), science communication, social responsibility, and business and institutional ethics. She also has professional experience as a journalist in the media and in the university field.

Pablo López Rabadán, Unievrsitat Jaume I

He holds a degree in Journalism from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a PhD in Communication Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University. He currently serves as a tenured professor in the Department of Communication Sciences at the Universitat Jaume I and as Vice-Dean of the Journalism Degree at the same institution. His research interests are focused on the digital transformation of specialized journalism and the impact of social networks on political communication within the "Journalism, Communication and Power" research group. He has authored more than 50 publications including articles, book chapters, and collective books. He has been awarded two six-year terms of research activity by the CNEAI. He has also worked as a visiting researcher at several European (Cardiff, Westminster, and Firenze) and American (Valparaíso and Boston) universities. In 2017, he received the Drago Award from the Latino Magazine of Social Communication for his outstanding contributions to the field.


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How to Cite

Sanahuja Sanahuja, R., & López Rabadán, P. (2023). Fighting disinformation through source management: a comparison between journalistic models in the context of COVID-19. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (81), 446–473.




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