Brand social orientation and its relationship with customer engagement behaviors. A case study




identidad de marca, engagement, compromiso de clientes, compromiso de marca, consumo responsable, marca con propósito, orientación social de marca


Introduction: The aim of the article was to analyze the relationship between brand social orientation and customer loyalty and recommendation engagement behaviors. Methodology: A case study was carried out, based on a mixed research method. As information gathering techniques, a documentary analysis of two official communication channels of the studied entity was carried out, with the intention of identifying if social orientation was a characteristic factor of its brand identity. Subsequently, through a survey, the recognition of customers about the attributes and values ​​that this brand stands out, which were identified in the previous analysis, was investigated. Finally, we proceeded with this same technique to determine if the brand's social orientation was related to the behaviors of engagement loyalty and recommendation. Results: It is identified that the brand highlights its social orientation as a fundamental feature of its identity, an aspect that is recognized by 60% of the participants. In turn, it is evident that the respondents who considered this social orientation relevant to configure themselves as clients present a greater willingness to maintain a commercial relationship with the entity and to recommend it. Discussion and Conclusions: Through the CHI-SQUARE test, it was possible to corroborate that there is a dependency between the brand social orientation variable and customer engagement. Therefore, generating value from this aspect would exert an effect on the encouragement of engagement in consumers/users from the notion of reciprocity


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Author Biographies

Juan F. Mejía Giraldo, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Doctor en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Colombia, Magíster en Mercadeo y Especialista en Gerencia de Mercadeo por la Institución Universitaria Esumer de Colombia, Comunicador Social-Periodista por la Universidad de Antioquia de Colombia. Actualmente es profesor titular e investigador de la Facultad de Publicidad de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, sede Medellín (grupo de investigación Epilión) y coordina el Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales de esta misma universidad.

Lina Vanessa Delgado Figueroa, Universidad de La Sabana

Magíster en Comunicación Estratégica y Comunicadora Social y Periodista por la Universidad de La Sabana de Colombia. Actualmente se desempeña como Directora de Cuenta en la agencia de publicidad June & July en Bogotá, Colombia.


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How to Cite

Mejía Giraldo, J. F., & Delgado Figueroa, L. V. (2023). Brand social orientation and its relationship with customer engagement behaviors. A case study. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (81), 57–73.



Neurocommunication, Neuromarketing and Advertising: Consumer behavior in advertising.