Knowledge transfer for the social era within journalistic organisations. A study of Spanish cases




Knowledge transfer, media innovation, organisational culture, El Confidencial, Vocento, Civio


Introduction: Fluid knowledge transfer is essential to for the transmission of best practices and for improving organizational performance. In the media sector, which several authors consider to be a “high risk” industry, this process is even more important because it increases the innovative strength of the organisational culture and allows professionals to become aware of the need to adapt themselves to the changing environment. Methods: This paper uses non-participant observation and interviews with the heads of knowledge transfer of four Spanish news media companies —El Confidencial, Vocento, Civio and Weblogs SL— to explore the importance they give to knowledge transfer, the methods they use to achieve it as well as the barriers and drivers they encounter in the process. Results and discussion: The results confirm that the knowledge transfer mechanisms and conditions detected within the media companies under study, such as workload, usefulness attributed to knowledge and sender-receiver trust, are similar to those existing in international industries.


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Author Biographies

José Maria Valero-Pastor, Miguel Hernánde University

José María Valero Pastor holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and a master’s degree in Journalism Innovation, both from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH). Third year student in the PhD programme in Social and Legal Sciences of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. His doctoral thesis examines the effective management of journalistic companies in the current media ecosystem. His line of research is innovation in journalism and, more specifically, transformations in news media.

Recipient of the Research Training Scholarship awarded by the Miguel Hernández University of Elche in the 2016/2017 academic year. Faculty member of the Department of Social and Human Sciences of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, thanks to the 2016 Faculty Training Programme of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Winner of the European Media Management Association’s 2018 Young Researcher Award.

Author of articles published in prestigious journals such as Revista Latina de Comunicación SocialEstudios sobre el mensaje periodísticoTextual & Visual Media and, among others. He has also published numerous book chapters and coordinated several monographic works. His h-index is 2.

He teaches Journalism Writing and Printed Journalism Language and Techniques in the BA programme in Journalism of the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Former coordinator of the Contents Module and thesis supervisor in the MA programme in Innovation in Journalism of the same university.

Miguel Carvajal Prieto, Miguel Hernánde University

Miguel Carvajal is a professor at the Department of Social and Human Sciences of the Miguel Hernández University (Elche, Spain). Director of the MA programme in Journalism Innovation at the same university. His research focuses on media economy and innovation, in particular, on new business models for digital journalism.

Author of articles published in prestigious journals such as Comunicación y Sociedad, El Profesional de la Información, Convergencia, Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, Journalism Studies and Journalism Practice. Author of several book chapters and books, including Strategies (book chapter) in The Economics of the Mass Media (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2006) and Media Concentration into the European Market (2002, with Sánchez-Tabernero, Alfonso). Currently involved in several research projects on digital newsroom convergence and content distribution strategies of media companies on tablets and smartphones. Member of the Spanish Association for Communication Research (AE-IC) and the GICOV Research Group of the Miguel Hernández University.

He received a doctoral fellowship from the Minister of Culture of the Government of Spain (2001-2005) and a postdoctoral fellowship of the José Castillejo programme. According to Google Scholar, he has received a total of 687 citations and has an h-index of 10.


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How to Cite

Valero-Pastor, José Maria, and Miguel Carvajal Prieto. 2019. “Knowledge transfer for the social era within journalistic organisations. A study of Spanish cases ”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 74 (July):1154-72.


