Gender biases in the social networks of regional public media

the case of @CSurNoticias' Twitter




women, media, gender stereotypes, digital communication, public media, social media, Twitter, Canal Sur


Introduction: Public media are essential to offer a service of general interest to the population to have equitable access to information, culture, democratic participation and equal opportunities. However, they continue to transmit biases and gender stereotypes that can have a great social scope, also in its digital editions, where a large part of the imbalances presents in traditional media have been transferred and adapted. Methodology: This paper analyzes the representation of gender on the Twitter page of the regional channel Canal Sur Noticias. For this, a content analysis of a total of N=754 tweets published in September and October 2022 is carried out to find out if there is an underrepresentation of women in news coverage and if gender biases and stereotypes are perceived in the sections, spheres of action, authorship, external sources and in the audiovisual content. Results: The findings reveal that women are clearly underrepresented in this social network, not only as protagonist, also as authors and external sources, and a relegation to the background, in sections and areas of lesser weight, in addition biases persist and stereotypes such as gender markings, traditional roles, or sexist language in text and images. Discussion and Conclusions: This paper show an imbalance in the representation of gender in the Twitter of the public channel, which adapts the same biases present in its traditional format, hindering the social advancement of women in the digital space.


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Author Biographies

Ana M. Muñoz-Muñoz, University of Granada

Associate Professor in the Department of Information and Communication at the University of Granada and member of the University Institute of Women's and Gender Studies Research. Her research focuses on documentation from a gender perspective. Research lines include: Women and science: scientific production from a gender perspective; The body and its meanings: the image of women in the press, photography, and advertising; Information sources for women's and gender studies.

Índice H: 15

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Iralis: ESLIS0702

Juana Salido-Fernández, International University of La Rioja

Juana Salido Fernández is a Professor in the Faculty of Business and Communication at the International University of La Rioja. She holds a Ph.D. in Communication and Women's Studies from the University of Granada. Her research interests include communication, digital media, media discourse analysis, and gender stereotypes. She has published several articles in prestigious international journals such as Journalism Practice, Profesional de la Información, and In addition, she works as a journalist in an institutional communication department.

Índice H: 4

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Iralis: ESCS1850



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How to Cite

Muñoz Muñoz, Ana María, and Juana Salido Fernández. 2023. “Gender biases in the social networks of regional public media: the case of @CSurNoticias’ Twitter”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 82 (July):1-16.




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