Notes for the study of news radio in Mexico


  • Rubí Aguiar Paz Autonomous University of Yucatan
  • Bernardo Laris Autonomous University of Yucatan
  • Irving Berlín Autonomous University of Yucatan





In this market of cultural goods that is broadcasting, it is important to analyse the dynamics that are unleashed between competitors, producers, media and audiences who fight to obtain and re-produce legitimate capital, a series of values that are coveted by all the players in the field itself. Radio news has among its important values the search for and strengthening of its right to say, its credibility or verisimilitude in the eyes of its audiences, generating various strategies aimed at achieving positions of dominance over competitors and on the side of the audiences. The paper analyses the strategies of "illusion of truth" that are deployed in Mexican radio and the role of respect and purity of the so-called journalistic genres of interpretation and opinion, as one of them.


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How to Cite

Aguiar Paz, R., Laris, B., & Berlín, I. (1998). Notes for the study of news radio in Mexico. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (53), 114–129.


