Beyond the illusion of peace in Colombia: Articulation of local voices against narrative violence




Conflict Narratives, Narrative Violence, Narratives of Peace, Peace Process, Colombia


Introduction. The degradation of the Colombian armed conflict has resulted in a war against society in which the different actors who drive it have acquired military capabilities to the same extent that they have distanced themselves from political and social ideals. Approach. The ending of the armed conflict and the attainment of stable peace has remained, for decades, an unrealised dream for the Colombian people, contributing to a simplification and closure of the conflict narrative. Results. The political and social debate around the plebiscite regarding the process of peace between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia showed that the representatives accepted and reproduced only the narratives reinforcing their own approaches. Discussion and conclusions. The narrative from communities that have been direct victims of the armed conflict serve to document their experience in regard to suffering and the ways in which they have faced the effects of violence. Narrating on behalf of themselves and others represents an act that allows them to become political subjects who claim their right to be seen and heard.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel-Alberto Ruiz-Romero, University of Medellín

Doctor in Social Anthropology from the Autonomous University of Madrid, master's degree in Communication and sociocultural problems from Rey Juan Carlos and in philosophy from the Pontificia Bolivariana de Medellín, from where he has a degree in Philosophy and Letters. Researcher and correlator of the National Report on Historical Memory on Antipersonnel Mines and leader of the research group on Conflict and Peace. He has been the principal investigator of the project "Incidence of historical memory reports in local processes of comprehensive reparation" at the University of Medellín (January 2017 - December 2018). He is a professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Medellín. He has published numerous articles on peace, memory and conflict.

Beatriz E. Múnera Barbosa, University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Photographer PhD in Research, Creation and Teaching in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). She is a teacher and researcher at the School of Design, Photography and Audiovisual Production (EDFRA) of the Faculty of Arts and Design of the University of Bogotá Jorge Tadeo Lozano (UJTL). Her research focuses on the role of photography as a social document for the study of art, the body and perception. She is the author of the photographs in the book Carnaval de Barranquilla. Oral and intangible heritage of humanity (2004). She has also studied the body and its representations in photography, a subject that occupies her research around the individual body and the social body in the photographs of L. B. Ramos and J. Obando approved and financed by the UJTL. She is the co-author and coordinator of the book Photography, a social document (Bogotá, 2019, UJTL, USTA and editions Desde Abajo).

José Ignacio Iñaki Chávez G., Rey Juan Carlos University

Sociologist and communicator. Doctor in Communication and Social Sciences from the Rey Juan Carlos University. Research professor at Uniminuto Bogotá (Colombia), where he directs the master's degree in Communication, development and social change. He has worked on photography in his last two investigations: as main researcher in the project "Las pintadas como medio de comunicacion Ciudadana", the second and third phases of which have been funded by Uniminuto, and as co-researcher in "The individual body and the social body in the photographs of Luis B. Ramos and Jorge Obando, 1930-1950 ”financed by the UJTL. He is the author of the book Pateras al Sur. The discourse of a look at any place in the world, talking from the South (La Laguna, Tenerife, 2018) CAC and Uniminuto), and co-author and coordinator of the books Photography, a social document (Bogotá, 2019, UJTL, USTA and From Abajo editions), Communication and citizenships (Bogotá, 2018, From Abajo editions) and Communication for social change. University, civil society and the media (Madrid, 2012, publishing house Los Libros de la Catarata). He is the author of the blog pateras al Sur.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Romero, Gabriel-Alberto, Beatriz E. Múnera Barbosa, and José Ignacio Iñaki Chávez G. 2019. “Beyond the illusion of peace in Colombia: Articulation of local voices against narrative violence ”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 74 (July):1204-18.


