On the mechanisation of the art of scribing


  • María José Ruiz Acosta Sevilla University




In objective terms, the appearance of the printing press in the mid-15th century represented, perhaps, one of the most significant signs of the new impetus that society was gaining at that time, as well as the announcement of what was to become, from those years onwards, the culture of print within written communication. Far from symbolising a break or a rupture, the new artefact signified a step forward in the configuration of the European world, which in those decades still combined late medieval habits and the identity of the imminent modern world. The main subject of numerous essays and studies, the one we present here today aims to examine in depth some aspects of the instrument that promoted the "mechanisation of the art of scribes".


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Author Biography

María José Ruiz Acosta, Sevilla University

María José Ruiz Acosta (Seville, 1967) is Professor of Journalism in the Faculty of Communication at the University of Seville. Her research includes La Historia de la Comunicación Escrita: perspectiva y planteamiento desde la Historia General de la Comunicación; Sevilla e Hispanoamérica. Prensa y opinión pública tras el Desastre de 1898; Sevilla y su prensa: Aproximación a la Historia del Periodismo Andaluz Contemporáneo (1898-1998); Historia de la Comunicación: escritura y prensa as well as the more recent Historia Práctica del Periodismo Español; La prensa hispánica en el exilio de Londres (1810-1850) in this same publishing house.



How to Cite

Ruiz Acosta, M. J. (1998). On the mechanisation of the art of scribing. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (53), 170–179. https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-1998-2092


