Media consumption among the over-50s: between wonder and nostalgia
This report is part of a research project carried out in 1997, based on the analysis of interviews with people over 50 years of age to find out how they received the media in Cordoba.
As a relevant point of the analysis, we were able to point out the great astonishment provoked in the interviewees by the appearance of technological changes which had a particularly profound impact on the processes of media production, circulation and consumption. In any case, what is astonishing is the ¿naturalness¿ with which the most revolutionary inventions are witnessed, perhaps because what has characterised Argentine (and world) society in recent decades is globalisation and the crucial importance of the mass media in the constitution of this scenario. As they delve into their memories, nostalgia appears in the interviewees for the loss of family gatherings around the media.
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Copyright (c) 2023 María Inés Loyola, Susana Morales, Elizabeth Vidal
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