Twitter as a tool for the communication of European Union. Comparative analysis in Germany, United Kingdom and Spain




Twitter, social networks, digital communication, European institutions, citizen participation, institutional communication


Introduction: European Union institutional communication currently faces several challenges. This research will address some of the practical implications of this communication in its member states. Objetives. To analyze how the EU Commission and Parliament aims at impacting politically through social networks. Results. Through a mixed qualitative and quantitative content analysis, three representative study cases will be analyzed. It will be explained how (differently) the EU representation offices in Germany, the UK and Spain use Twitter as platform to communicate, impact and engage with the EU national public opinions. Conclusions. The European institutions looks at redesign its communication policy fostering the use of social networks, understood as the potentially most effective tool to interact with the audiences and to engage and reduce the psychological and geographical distance with the European citizens.


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Author Biographies

Jorge Tuñón Navarro, Carlos III University

Professor at the Carlos III University, external scientific expert of the Commission and the European Parliament, evaluator of European projects, as well as collaborator of the College of Europe, the National Institute of Public Administration of Spain or the OBS Business School. He previously obtained his European Doctorate (Extraordinary Prize) at the Complutense University in Communication and the European Union after graduating in Law, Journalism and Political Science. In addition to being a translator and consultant for different regional administrations, he has experience as a journalist and has worked for INAP and for the European Commission. Currently, he directs the European project Jean Monnet: EUCOPOL “European Communication: challenge or miracle”. [Ref: 587167-EPP-1-2017-1-ES-EPPJMO],

Uxia Carral Vilar, Carlos III University

She studied Bilingual Journalism at the Carlos III University of Madrid, where he is now pursuing a master's degree in Applied Research to the Media. Likewise, she is an assistant in the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the same university thanks to a scholarship granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. It is associated from 2017 to 2020 to the European project (Executive Agency for Culture, Education and Audiovisual) Jean Monnet: EUCOPOL “European Communication: challenge or miracle”.


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How to Cite

Tuñón Navarro, J., & Carral Vilar, U. (2019). Twitter as a tool for the communication of European Union. Comparative analysis in Germany, United Kingdom and Spain . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 1219–1234.


