News or election posters? Political image in the press and info-propaganda


  • María Teresa Roncero Villa Art School of Salamanca
  • Víctor Sampedro Blanco Salamanca University



This paper deals with the dissemination of the journalistic image of political leaders during election campaigns. We start from the premise that there is a tension between the propaganda machinery of the political parties, which aims to create a stylised image of the candidates, and the media's dissemination of this prefabricated image. We speak of media dissemination as a "mirror of different curvature" that "selectively reflects [frames] reality" (Tichenor, Donohue and Olien, 1980), according to the economic and political interests of the press and the propagandistic pretensions of the political parties. This is the tension between propaganda and information.


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How to Cite

Roncero Villa, M. T., & Sampedro Blanco, V. (1998). News or election posters? Political image in the press and info-propaganda. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (53), 224–235.


