The training of journalists and communicators in Germany


  • Victoriano Darías de las Heras La Laguna University
  • Martin Kley Martin Kley Augsburg University



Germany, the economic locomotive of the continent, is a country where the mass media play an important role, with the headquarters of such influential European newspapers as the Süuddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and magazines such as Focus and Der Spiegel, as well as such powerful media groups as Bertelemann and Lee Kir. The Germans' desire to be well-informed therefore requires well-trained professionals. This training, which can come from various courses at the excellent public universities, information science, communication science or journalism courses, or at private journalism schools, meets this specific need. In describing in detail the possibilities for future German journalists, we will also take a brief look at the training of journalists in the former Democratic Republic.


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Müller, R. (1996): Journalismus; Einstieg, Praxis, Chancen, Frankfurt a. M., Eichhorn.

Deutscher Journalisten Verband (1995-1996): Journalist werden? Ausbildungsgange und Berufschancen im Journalismus, Bonn, DJV Verlags- und Service GmbH.

Gavin-Kramer, K. und Scholle, K. (1996): Studienführer, Journalistik, Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaften, München, Lexica Verlag.

Fischer, H. D. und Roegele. O. B. (1977): Ausbildung für Kommunikationsberufe in Europa, Droste Verlag.



How to Cite

Darías de las Heras, Victoriano, and Martin Kley Martin Kley. 1998. “The training of journalists and communicators in Germany”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 53 (January):321-28.


