New technologies: new media, new professionals


  • Virginia Luzón Autonomous University of Barcelona



We are witnessing a process of accelerated innovation in information technologies which is leading to the emergence of new media and services, which in turn are generating a multiplicity of new forms of communication (Cebrián Herreros, M. 1994. P. 165). Internet, e-mail and television on demand are some of these new media and services that are now within the reach of consumers. Although the different forms of communication have revolved around technology, never before have they been so dependent on technological activity. Technology is not only a work tool, it is becoming an added value in production chains, it is even confidential information of the different media that make their technology a value of strategic importance.


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Author Biography

Virginia Luzón, Autonomous University of Barcelona

PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Seville. Lecturer in Audiovisual Narrative and Theory and Technique of Television and Radio News Programmes. She has published the monograph Internet l'eina inevitable (2002) and several scientific articles, including "Bad Boys ride on Harley. Analysis of the main male characters in the series Sons of Anarchy" (2017), "Cinemagoing in Barcelona: a projection into the future through the consumption experience of young viewers" (2016), "La gran familia. Deconstructing models of coexistence, Modern Family" (2015), "The historical memory of cinema in Barcelona" (2014), and "Learning to undertake, the role of the university" (2013). And finally, she has been one of the members of the editorial team of the Mapping Digital Media Spain (2012), of the Open Society Foundation. She develops various lines of research in television, film, comics, youth and gender from the perspective of discourse analysis, production routines, as well as the socio-cultural role of the media, leading several research projects.

She is currently Vice-Rector of Communication and Promotion at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where she has held other management positions such as Vice-Dean of Academic Organisation at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Vice-Director of Research at the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, and also Doctoral Coordinator. She has also been, since 2005, Coordinator of the University Entrance Exams in the subject of Audiovisual Culture for the Direcció General d'Ensenyament Generalitat de Catalunya. In the professional field, she has worked as a journalist in various media, such as Televisión Española, TV3-Televisió de Catalunya or the production companies Línies d'idees, Quart Televisió, and CNR Televisió.


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How to Cite

Luzón, V. (1998). New technologies: new media, new professionals. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (53), 346–350.


