Verbal expression in media communication
The training of the communicator involves the development of reading competence alongside writing competence. Training as a receiver, in order to act as a sender, means diving in search of the social behaviours underlying every text. In social communication, as in everyday life, every time we use our words we include the words of others, we enter into dialogue with them.
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Bajtin, M. (1982): Estética de la creación verbal; Siglo XXI Editores; México.
Bajtin, M. y Todorov, T. (1981): Mikhail Bakhtine, Le principe dialogique; DuSeuil; París.
Benavides, J. (1996): Los escenarios de la comunicación mediática; TelosN & ordm; 44; Madrid.
Eco, U. (1987): Lector in fabula; Lumen; Barcelona.
Martin Serrano, M. (1996): "Las transformaciones sociales vinculadas a la era audiovisual" en AAVV; Comunicación Social 1995/Tendencias; FUNDESCO; Madrid.
Veron, E. (1987): "La palabra adversativa", en AAVV; El discurso político. Lenguajes y acontecimientos; Hachette; Buenos Aires.
Voloshinov, V. (1981): "El discurso en la vida y el discurso en la poesía" en Todorov,T.; Le principe dialogique; Seuil; París.
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