Youtuber and Community Management strategies




Youtubers, community, strategy, fan phenomenon, videogames


Introduction: The aim of this article is to identify the indicators that promote the creation, management and growth of a community of users around Youtuber channels. Methodology: An exploratory content analysis is used on a sample of 100 videos, 10 from each of the 10 channels with most subscribers based on the Socialblade ranking in the period ranging from 14 September 2018 to 22 February 2019. Results: The study identifies four strategies of community management deployed by the youtuber: audience loyalty, community expansion, generation of expectation about future contents and the particular management of the channel's Community tab. Discussion and conclusions: Valid indicators and practices are revealed to understand the phenomenon of Youtuber communities, a phenomenon of masses with only 15 years of existence and an unstoppable growth.


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Author Biographies

Victoria Tur-Viñes, Univesrity of Alicante

PhD in Sociology and Graduate in Psychology. Full Professor of Universidad de Alicante (Spain). Professor of Advertising creativity. Author of Comunicación publicitaria de juguetes en televisión [Advertising communication of toys on Television] (2004) and Marketing Infantil [Children Marketing] (2008). Principal Investigator of the Group Communication and Childhood. Founder member of AEIC and SLCS and member of FISEC and AIJIC. Vice-president of Kids & Com. Director of Revista Mediterránea de Comunicación. Her research lines include: Communication and Childhood; Scientific communication and innovation and creativity in persuasive communication.

María José González-Río, University of Alicante

PhD in Sociology by Universidad de Alicante (1996). Full Professor of Sociology in Universidad de Alicante, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, Department of Sociology II. She has published several books and articles in journals, both of national and international scope, of a renowned prestige. She has participated in congresses by presenting lectures and communications. A member of the research groups: Research group and specific publics and Study group on strategical communication” (E-COM). Principal investigator of the project R+D+i Youth and new technologies. The impact of Internet on the everyday life of youths (SEJ2004-06651).


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How to Cite

Tur-Viñes, V., & González-Río, M. J. (2019). Youtuber and Community Management strategies . Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (74), 1291–1307.




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