Cuba, the Canary Islands and the press, in the context of '98


  • Ileana Medina Hernández University of Havana



1898 is for Spain the year of the Disaster, with a capital letter; 1898 is for Cuba the year of independence, perhaps with a small letter. The Canary Islands are the gateway to Europe; Cuba is the gateway to America. Canary-Cuban migration has been a decisive historical factor in the formation of both nationalities. The mass press, which was born at the end of the 19th century, played a decisive role in the Spanish-American war and its outcome. Combining these four crushing and well-known sentences, the investigation of the reflection of the Cuban independence process in the Canarian press contributes substantial elements to the knowledge of the role of communication processes in the history and culture of both archipelagos, in the important context of the end of the 19th century.


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How to Cite

Medina Hernández, I. (1998). Cuba, the Canary Islands and the press, in the context of ’98. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (53), 403–410.


