Television reception and adolescents The programme "Caiga quien Caiga" produced in Argentina and the political practices of adolescents.


  • Paulina Beatriz Emanuelli National University of Cordoba



The aim of this paper is to find out what conceptions of politics and politicians are put forward by the television programme "Caiga quien caiga" (CQC) and how adolescents receive them, considering their own political practice. The research was carried out in two different observation units: the television programme and the adolescents. With the programme, we worked with content analysis and applied it to a recorded corpus of 38 programmes broadcast during 1997. We worked with the adolescents in sessions containing two different moments. First, a survey was carried out on their consumption habits and television preferences; then, extensive interviews were carried out on their reception of CQC.


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How to Cite

Emanuelli, P. B. (1998). Television reception and adolescents The programme "Caiga quien Caiga" produced in Argentina and the political practices of adolescents. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (53), 454–465.


