Future of communication and knowledge


  • Raymond Colle Pontifical Catholic University of Chile




MacLuhan announced the global village. Toffler described the "third wave" of evolution, which is catching up with us. But these novel terms, describing the effects of the rise and spread of new and multiple communication technologies, overlay concepts and realities that had already been announced more than fifty years ago by the French palaeontologist, philosopher and mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Following his study of evolution, we can grasp how the linking of minds that is taking place today - and growing rapidly - is the product of millennia of small advances and great quantum leaps, as well as the prelude to a new stage of union of consciousnesses, dedicated to the search for and exchange of knowledge, with the aim of developing the global personality of the human species, in a future great universal "hyper-consciousness".


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Inose y Pierce (1985): Tecnología de la información y civilización, Labor, Barcelona.

Maturana, H. (1990): Emociones y lenguaje en la educación y la política, Hachette, Santiago.

McLuhan, M. (1968): Pour comprendre les média, Mame, Tours.

McLuhan, M. (1970): Guerre et paix dans le village planétaire, Laffont, París.

Sierra, M. (1988): Sueños. Un camino al despertar, Ed. Puerta Abierta, Santiago.

Teilhard de Chardin, P. (1967): El grupo zoológico humano, Taurus, Madrid, 5a. Ed.

Teilhard de Chardin, P. (1973): La energía humana, Taurus, Madrid, 2a; Ed.

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Toffler, A. (1971): Le choc du futur, Denoël, París. (En castellano: El shock del futuro).

Toffler, A. (1980): La Tercera Ola, Plaza & Janés, Barcelona.

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How to Cite

Colle, R. (1998). Future of communication and knowledge. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (53), 532–544. https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-1998-2187


