Analysing VR and 360-degree video apps and sections. A case study of seven European news media outlets




immersive journalism; virtual reality; 360º video; Apps; responsive design; 360 storytelling


Introduction. The evolution of the internet and new technologies have transformed the media ecosystem, opening the door to new narrative trends. In this scenario, many news media outlets have begun to use technologies such as virtual reality and resources like 360-degree video in their production processes, which constitutes a novel form of journalism production known as Immersive Journalism. Methods. The aim of this article is to analyse how European news media outlets organise and disseminate their immersive offer (360-degree videos) based on the study of seven case studies in order to determine whether their strategies in fact help users to locate, search and access such contents. Results and conclusions. The study concludes that the diverse sections and apps of the seven cases analysed exhibit several weaknesses that complicate the access and, consequently, the consumption of the 360-degree videos available.


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Author Biographies

Beatriz Gutiérrez-Caneda, University of Santiago de Compostela. Spain

Beatriz Gutierrez-Caneda is a PhD candidate in Communication and Contemporary Information at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, where she also obtained a BA degree in Journalism, studying a year at the UniversitádegliStudi di Torino on an Erasmus scholarship, and a Master’s degree in Journalism and Communication: New Trends in Knowledge Production, Management and Dissemination. She is a recipient of one of the scholarships granted by the first call for Research Grants of Impulse Vision of RTVE in 2019. Her lines of research focus on the study of new narratives within the journalistic field, especially immersive ones.

Sara Pérez-Seijo, University of Santiago de Compostela. Spain

Sara Pérez-Seijo is a member of the NovosMedios research group (GI-1641 NM) and PhD candidate in Communication and Contemporary Information at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, where she studied a BA degree in Journalism and a Master’s degree in Journalism and Communication: New Trends in Knowledge Production, Management and Dissemination. She is currently a beneficiary of the Faculty Training Programme funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (Government of Spain).Her research focuses on the study of immersive narratives and the use of 360-degree video in national and international media, especially in European public television. She also pays special attention to the ethics of digital journalism and the conflicts posed by the so-called Immersive Journalism.

Xosé López-García, University of Santiago de Compostela. Spain

Professor of Journalism at the Department of Communication Sciences of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, PhD in History and journalist. Since 1994, he coordinates the NovosMedios research group (GI-1641 NM), which studies the impact of technology in journalism and communicative processes. His current lines of research focus on digital culture and journalism in online media. In recent years he has led several publicly funded research projects. He is currently the leading researcher of the project “Digital native media in Spain: storytelling formats and mobile strategy”. Author of many books, including: Periodismo de proximidad, Desafíos de la comunicación local (“Proximity Journalism, The challenges of Local Communication”), La metamorfosisdelperiodismo (“The Metamorphosis of Journalism”), Ciberperiodismo en la proximidad (“Cyberjournalism in Proximity”), Fortalezas del Ciberperiodismo (“Strengths of Cyberjournalism”). He is also the co-author of several book chapters and scientific articles in various European and American journals.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Caneda, B. ., Pérez-Seijo, S. ., & López-García X. . (2020). Analysing VR and 360-degree video apps and sections. A case study of seven European news media outlets. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (75), 149–167.


