Experiential events in the communication and advertising strategy of the brewing sector





experiential marketing, experiential events, brewing sector, events 2.0, Instagram, Youtube, engagement


Introduction: The brewing sector is committed to advertising communication strategies in which brand experiences and their dissemination in social networks stand as fundamental premises to achieve strategic objectives. Experiential events emerge in a notorious way to reinforce consumer brand experiences. Methodology: This descriptive and exploratory research characterizes the experiential events of the sector with a methodological design based on content analysis; it also analyzes the effectiveness of the dissemination of events through Instagram and Youtube, along with the overall interaction and engagement obtained by beer brands on Instagram. Results: The musical and single promoter events stand out as immersive experiences, with a limited presence of influencers and with a 2.0 communication strategy that is not profitable in the execution and post-event phase. The overall interaction obtained in the digital platforms analyzed is quite irregular, and engagement, with the exception of some brands, shows modest results in terms of the design of user-oriented experiences. Discussion: These experiential events in the beer sector can be reformulated as creative proposals for different targets, and their communicative-relational strategy should be reinforced in certain phases of their planning. Conclusions: The experiential 2.0 events developed by beer brands stand as a powerful communication tool that allows to establish and strengthen links between brands and consumers to generate engagement, notoriety, public image and reputation.


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Author Biographies

Concepción Campillo-Alhama, University of Alicante

Associate Professor in the Department of Communication and Social Psychology. Bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations from the Complutense University of Madrid (1992). PhD in Communication from the University of Alicante (2009). BLAS INFANTE 2010 Award (XIV edition) for Study and Research on Public Administration and Management, awarded by the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration. She has worked in both public and private organizations, including the Elche City Council, where she held the position of Chief of Protocol and Institutional Relations (Mayor's Office). She is the Director of the MAE-CO Research Group (Experiential Marketing, Events, and Integrated Communication). She is a member of the Aging and Communication Research Group (AgeCOM), the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC), and the University Institute of Social Studies for Latin America (IUESAL).


Índice H: 19

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9886-0049

Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=56210678600

GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?hl=es&user=EsaMzwQA&user=EsaMzwQAAAAJ

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/search/publication?q=CAMPILLO%2BALHAMA

Dialnet: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=838285

Laura Herrero Ruiz, Universidad Católica de Murcia

Bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations and PhD in Communication from the University of Alicante (Doctoral Program: Communication in the Digital Age). Official Master's degree in Communication and Creative Industries (COMINCREA) from the University of Alicante. Master's degree in Protocol, Event Organization, and Institutional Relations from the Miguel Hernández University in Elche. Currently a teaching and research staff member in the field of Advertising and Public Relations at the Catholic University of Murcia. Her main research interests include digital advertising communication, social media, gender perspective, experiential marketing, new digital tools, and formats. She is a member of the Experiential Marketing, Events, and Integrated Communication Research Group (MAE-CO) in the Department of Communication and Social Psychology at the University of Alicante.

Índice H: 5

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6188-6309

GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=IVWKazgAAAAJ&hl=es

Dialnet: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=4123604

Irene Ramos-Soler, University of Alicante

Full Professor in the Department of Communication and Social Psychology. PhD in Sociology from the University of Alicante. Coordinator of the research seminar "Observatory of Seniors and Media" at the Permanent University of the University of Alicante since 2007. Director of the research group on Aging and Communication (AgeCOM) and member of the Experiential Marketing, Events, and Integrated Communication Research Group (MAE-CO). Awarded the XIX National Research Prize Doctor Rogeli Duocastela by La Caixa Social Work (2007). Member of the Gerontological Association of the Mediterranean, the Spanish Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology, and the University Institute of Social Studies for Latin America (IUESAL). Director of the University Expert Title in Social Media Communication, Strategy, and Digital Communication at the University of Alicante.


Índice H: 17

Orcid ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4616-1494

Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55070853100

GoogleScholar: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=LDZ-KskAAAAJ&hl=es

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Irene-Ramos-Soler

Dialnet: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/metricas/investigadores/838512


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How to Cite

Campillo-Alhama, Concepción, Laura Herrero Ruiz, and Irene Ramos-Soler. 2023. “Experiential events in the communication and advertising strategy of the brewing sector”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 82 (December):1-23. https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-2024-2208.


