Political emotions and prototypical narratives: the use of TikTok in Colombia's 2022 presidential campaigns
TikTok, Gustavo Petro, Rodolfo Hernández, Political Communication, Political Campaign, Narratives, EmotionsAbstract
Introduction: the presidential elections in Colombia were marked by the use of TikTok as an electoral campaign strategy. The objective of the article is to analyze the use of this social network in the candidacies of Gustavo Petro and Rodolfo Hernández. Methodology: the corpus of work systematized the contents made by the two candidates from the official announcement of their nominations until the end of the second round of elections. The information was organized from a content analysis that takes into account three categories in the organization of political campaigns: a. Intentions: political emotions that mobilized the creation of contents by the candidates, b. Strategies: prototypical narratives that standardize the performance of Petro and Hernandez campaigns to respond to the demands of the voters and c. Tools: the use of the potentialities of the potentialities of the political campaigns of the two candidates. Tools: the use of TikTok's potential in the use of algorithms, engagement and hashtags. Results and Discussion: a. The personalization of the political leader predominates from an emotional narrative with short stories that do not exceed one minute of exposure and oriented to show themselves close to the forms of multimedia interaction of TikTok; b. The narrative roles are focused in both cases with campaigns focused on change and in which they are self-represented as heroes with the mission of bringing hope to their voters in the face of crisis and uncertainty scenarios; c. Although the two campaigns had slight decreases in content production for the second round, Petro maintained a growth curve and level of engagement with users, while Hernandez reduced his interaction and impact. Conclusions: the article contributes to the literature on political campaigns with the arrival of TikTok and the increase in the use of social networks and digital platforms as marketing strategies that will be consolidated in future electoral scenarios.
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