Artificial women in the science fiction cinema




AI, robots, science fiction, film, gender representations, gender stereotype, communication and gender


Introduction: This paper aims to study the gendered representations of robots, cyborgs, ginoids, clones, holograms, and female artificial intelligences in science fiction film. It is hypothesized that the sexist stereotypes widely studied in female film characters are perpetuated in female artificial creations in science fiction cinema. Methodology: A sample of 83 characters was taken from the IMdB database. After their classification, we proceeded to carry out a qualitative analysis on representation, gender roles and stereotypes of the characters. Results: The results obtained confirm that the science fiction genre is intensely masculinized and vertical occupational segregation is the dominant note. In addition, gender roles and stereotypes that are common in other film genres are also replicated in science fiction. Discussion: The representations do not manage to get rid of sexist precepts that are maintained over time as a result of the persistence of a male gaze. Conclusions: This study confirms the need to establish tools that allow women to access a highly masculinized cultural industry as well as the need to carry out a representation of female fictional characters far from the gender stereotypes traditionally associated with women.


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Author Biographies

PhD, Complutense University of Madrid

Ph.D. in Journalism from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2023). Collaborative Professor at UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), teaching Consumer Behavior in Tourism. Secretary of the scientific journal Communication and Gender (2023-present). Recent publications: 

Molina García, B. (2021). El feminismo en la teoría cinematográfica. Un estado de la cuestión. Comunicación y Género. Vol. 4(1), 61-71.

Molina García, B. (2021). Las mujeres tras las cámaras en 275 películas de ciencia ficción. En Audiovisual e industrias creativas. Presente y futuro. Vol. 2. (Gomes Pinto, J.M. y Sierra Sánchez, J., pp. 403-418). McGraw-Hill. 

Molina García, B. (2022). Propuestas cinematográficas de ciencia ficción desde el cortometraje elaborado por mujeres. Historia y comunicación Social, Vol. 27 (2), 359-370.

Yanna G. Franco, Complutense University of Madrid

Professor of Applied Economics at the Faculty of Information Sciences, Universidad Complutense. Doctor of Law. Degree in Economics (specialization in Monetary Economics and Public Sector) and in Law. Director of the Interdisciplinary Group of Feminist Research. Director of the scientific journal Communication and Gender. Secretary of the Institute of Feminist Research. Author of various publications, among which the most recent can be cited:

Franco, Y.G. et a.l (2023). “Una crítica feminista a la retórica económica del discurso incel”. En Misoginia online: la cultura de la manosfera en el contexto español. (Franco Y.G. y Bernárdez Rodal A., pp 151-166). Tirant. 

Beránderz Rodal, A.; Requeijo-Rey, P & Franco, Y.G. (2022). “Radical right parties and anti-feminist speech on Instagram: Vox and the 2019 Spanish general election”. Party Politics28(2), 272-283.

Isabel Tajahuerce Ángel, Complutense University of Madrid

Isabel Tajahuerce Ángel is a member of the Council of the Institute of Feminist Research at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Director of the Extraordinary Chair of Democratic Values and Gender, director of the Master's program in Gender Violence: prevention and intervention from various professional fields, director of the Research Seminar on biotechnology, bioethics, robotics, and simulations from a gender and communication perspective. She is also the director of the Hemispheres of Equality Collection of the Complutense Publishing House.

A professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences since 1990, she teaches Communication and Gender and History of Political and Social Thought. She directs the Scientific Journal History and Social Communication and participates in various scientific committees and editorial boards of national and international journals.


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How to Cite

Molina García, Berta, Yanna G. Franco, and Isabel Tajahuerce Ángel. 2024. “Artificial women in the science fiction cinema”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 82 (January):1-24.




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