Disability, hate speech and social media: video replies to haters on TikTok





disability, ableism, social media, TikTok, Internet, hate speech, haters


Introduction: In recent years, the spread of hate speech through social media has grown to become an increasingly worrisome problem in our societies. This study focuses on hate speech against people with disabilities. The first objective is to analyze these people's video replies to haters on TikTok, considering aspects such as content, reach, interaction, engagement, tone and intentionality of the reply itself. The second objective is to delve into the perspective of the authors of the video replies regarding hate speech and their stance towards this phenomenon. Methodology: The study includes a mixed methodology, consisting of content analysis of 64 TikTok video replies posted by users with disabilities in response to hate messages received on this social network, and 14 structured interviews to users among the profiles that integrate the sample. Results: The results reflect that, in addition to negative comments, insults, belittling or mockery received by other groups, there is other content related to ableism or disability denial. Conclusions y discussion: The findings reveal that the expansion of hate speech is greater on TikTok and point to causes such as the age of the users of this social network, the algorithm operation or the anonymity allowed by the social media. Ways to reduce hate speech in social networks are explored, focusing on the legal framework, education and mental health promotion. 


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Author Biographies

Victoria García-Prieto, University of Seville

PhD in Communication from the University of Seville, graduated in Journalism and M.A. in Communication and Culture. Interim professor at the University of Seville and lecturer at the EUSA University Center, she teaches Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, and Public Relations. Member of Media, Communication Policies and Democracy research groups in the European Union (DemocMedia), the Comunicar Group and the Ibero-American network of researchers Alfamed. She has been a visiting researcher at the universities of Cambridge and Westminster (UK), and Nova de Lisboa (Portugal). Her main lines of research include audiovisual accessibility, cultural pluralism and media literacy for people with disabilities. 

Mónica Bonilla-del-Río, European University of the Atlantic

PhD from the Interuniversity Communication Program in the line of Communication Education and Media Literacy (UHU). Professor of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, Advertising and Public Relations at the European University of the Atlantic (Santander). Member of the Agora Group (Andalusian Research Plan: HUM-648), member of Comunicar Group, a veteran Andalusian group of professionals in communication education and of Alfamed Joven (https://www.redalfamed.org/alfamed-joven), belonging to the Euroamerican Interuniversity Network Alfamed (https://www.redalfamed.org), dedicated to the study of media competence for citizenship. Interuniversity M.A. in Communication and Audiovisual Education by the International University of Andalusia and the University of Huelva. M.A. in Emotional, Social and Creativity Education by the University of Cantabria. Graduated in Early Childhood Education by the University of Cantabria. 

Juan C. Figuereo-Benítez, University of Seville

Pre-doctoral Researcher Professor in the Department of Journalism II at the University of Seville. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism and a Master's Degree in Political and Institutional Communication from the University of Seville. He currently studies the Interuniversity PhD in Communication at the Universities of Cadiz, Huelva, Malaga and Seville. Member of the Research Group Communication, Power and Critical Thinking in the Face of Global Change (Compoder), with official code SEJ-675. He has been a visiting researcher at the Universities of Havana (Cuba), El Salvador and Francisco Gavidia (El Salvador), Autonomous University of Baja California and UNAM (Mexico), Cartagena (Colombia), National University of San Agustin de Arequipa (Peru) and UFSC (Brazil). His research interests are political and institutional communication, electoral campaigns, social networks and accessibility. 


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How to Cite

García-Prieto, V., Bonilla-del-Río, M., & Figuereo-Benítez, J. C. (2024). Disability, hate speech and social media: video replies to haters on TikTok. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (82), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.4185/rlcs-2024-2258



Hate speech, digital populism and online authoritarianism