Food accessibility on digital press: framing and representation of hunger in Spain
hunger; framing; food accessibility; digital pressAbstract
Introduction: The main objective of this paper is to analyse the relevance that Spanish digital newspapers grant to the struggles of a part of the Spanish population to access a sufficient nutrition. Concepts like hidden hunger and food accessibility are used to understand this. Methodology: the contents published in 2017 by our digital mastheads (,, and were analysed by means of content analysis and the framing theory. Results and conclusions: The findings of this study disclose the complexity of the subject and the diversity of framings: Solidarity, Hunger/ Famine, Waste and Access. Likewise, a translation from the international to the national scope is confirmed. The hunger in Spain is a “hidden hunger” and it is constructed as a problem that impacts “disadvantaged” individuals, faceless, where causes are generally avoided, and the solutions are monopolised by supportive initiatives.
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