Food accessibility on digital press: framing and representation of hunger in Spain




hunger; framing; food accessibility; digital press


Introduction: The main objective of this paper is to analyse the relevance that Spanish digital newspapers grant to the struggles of a part of the Spanish population to access a sufficient nutrition. Concepts like hidden hunger and food accessibility are used to understand this. Methodology: the contents published in 2017 by our digital mastheads (,, and were analysed by means of content analysis and the framing theory. Results and conclusions: The findings of this study disclose the complexity of the subject and the diversity of framings: Solidarity, Hunger/ Famine, Waste and Access. Likewise, a translation from the international to the national scope is confirmed. The hunger in Spain is a “hidden hunger” and it is constructed as a problem that impacts “disadvantaged” individuals, faceless, where causes are generally avoided, and the solutions are monopolised by supportive initiatives.


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Author Biographies

Flora Marín Murillo, University of the Basque Country/EuskalHerrikoUnibertsitatea. Spain

In the past years her research activity has been mainly focused on the field of food and media, participating in several funded projects associated to this subject. Today she is co-PI of the project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness about “Food Security and Digital media: themes, new sources and services” (ref. CSO2017-82853-R). Earlier, she was part of the project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness about “The Food security in the Spanish press: strategies for the communication of Food risks” (ref. CSO2014-54385-R). She has been PI of the University-Society Project “Information about food intake in Spanish digital newspapers: contents, sections and new formats” (ref. US17/15), developed in collaboration with Fundación Eroski. She also took part in a University-Society project co-funded by ELIKA-Basque Foundation for agro-alimentary food on “Food security and Media A case study: the Basque press in 2014” (ref. US 14/13). Likewise, in the period 2012-2014 she participated in the elaboration of three reports on Food security in the Basque press for Fundación ELIKA. Between 2011 and 2013 she was member of the team who developed the project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation about the evolution in the management of violent deaths by the Basque press. Some of the main conclusions of said study have been published in the book entitled The treatment of violent deaths on the Basque press (Servicio Editorial UPV/EHU, Leioa, 2012). Other than this, her research activity started 27 years ago with a thesis in 1992 about the representation of death in the Hitchcock cinema. After participating in several projects about the Basque cinema, her subsequent researches were targeted to the printed and digital journalism. A result of these, was the study El diario digital (Bosch, Barcelona, 2000), one of the early thorough researches published in Spain about what was considered back then as a new informational platform. One of the studies that was strongly accepted was the one about El diario de servicios en España (Septem, Oviedo, 2002) where the characteristics of said journalistic model were analysed.

José Ignacio Armentia-Vizuete, University of the Basque Country/EuskalHerrikoUnibertsitatea. Spain

PhD in Information Sciences, in the past years his studies have focused in the management of Food Security on media. As the Principal Investigator of the group MediaIker he took part in the elaboration of reports on Food Security in the Basque Press, corresponding to the period 2012-2015, promoted by Elika, The Basque Foundation for the Agro-alimentary Security. Today, he is the Principal Investigator of a project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, entitled “Food Security and cybermedia: themes, new sources and services” (ref. CSO2017-82853-R). Earlier, he has been PI in another research project funded by MINECO about Food Security in press, and has participated in University-Society projects, in collaboration, respectively with Elika and with Fundación Eroski, related to these themes. During 2011-2014 he was the Principal Investigator of the research project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness entitled “The evolution in the management of violent deaths in the Basque Country press”. The results of the project were published in the book entitled  El tratamiento de las muertes violenta en la prensa vasca, by Universidad del País Vasco, besides being also published in different articles on scientific journals and on Congress conferences. Currently, he is the Principal Investigator of the MediaIker Group (ref. GIU16/08).

Iñigo Marauri-Castillo, University of the Basque Country/EuskalHerrikoUnibertsitatea. Spain

Iñigo Marauri Castillo is associate professor in the Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences of UPV/EHU. After fifteen years of professional experience in El Correo, El País and Consumer Eroski, he performs his teaching and research activities in areas linked to the adaptation of the journalistic editing to Internet, specialised journalism, specifically crime & events and services, and corporate communication. He has published several articles in the main communication journals of Spain. He is part of the consolidated research group MediaIker (ref. GIU16/08) and is one of the members of the team of the project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness entitled “Food Security and Digital Media: themes, new sources and services” (ref. CSO2017-82853-R). He has taken part in other four research projects funded in competitive convocations, the last one of them in collaboration with Fundación Eroski, and also related to the informational coverage of food.

María del Mar Rodríguez González, University of the Basque Country/EuskalHerrikoUnibertsitatea. Spain

María del Mar Rodríguez is associate professor of the Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences of UPV/EHU. Her research lines, which results were materialised into more than 15 articles in the main Spanish journals of communication, have been focused on corporate communication, particularly in the communication of crisis, crime & events journalism and the impact of Internet in the journalism of services, a field where she has developed a career of more than 10 years as contents manager of He is part of the consolidated research group MediaIker (ref. GIU16/08) and is one of the members of the team of the project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness entitled “Food Security and Digital Media: themes, new sources and services” (ref. CSO2017-82853-R). She has participated in other two research projects funded by competitive convocations, the most recent in collaboration with Fundación Eroski and also related to the informational coverage of food.


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How to Cite

Marín Murillo, Flora, José Ignacio Armentia-Vizuete, Iñigo Marauri-Castillo, and María del Mar Rodríguez González. 2020. “Food accessibility on digital press: framing and representation of hunger in Spain”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 75 (February):169-87.




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