El acceso al mercado de trabajo en la sociedad digital: Uso y valoración de los portales de empleo en internet
Access to the labour market in the digital society. The use and assessment of employment websites
labour market, employment search, job portals, digital literacy, education gap, generation gapAbstract
Introduction: The emergence of social networks and online job portals has changed the strategies for accessing the labour market. Although traditional channels continue to be perfectly valid options, such as job agencies, public employment services, corporate websites, personal contacts and others, current evidence suggests that the new digital channels, and specifically platforms that specialise in publishing job offers, are a preferred resource for employers and job seekers. Methodology: This paper analyses the methods used by Spanish adults in searching for employment, with special emphasis on the use and evaluation of digital job portals. To this end, a survey was designed for a representative sample of the population (N=673) between 25 and 54 years of age, who live in the Autonomous Region of Madrid. Results: Approximately 70% of those surveyed had at some point obtained employment through job offers posted on these portals, which confirms the hypothesis of widespread use of these platforms in searching for and finding work. Discussion and conclusions: The results confirm that there is no gender divide nor generation gap with regard to the use of these sites, success in obtaining a job, or the appraisal of digital job portals. Nevertheless, a significant education gap exists, which is probably linked to the lack of digital literacy among the population with low educational levels.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Manuel Martínez-Nicolás, Beatriz Catalina-García, María del Carmen García-Galera
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Spanish National Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation
Grant numbers PID2019-106299GB-I00 (AEI/10.13039/501100011033).