Perception and analysis of the university community in terms of the current system of communication research in Spain




Research on Communication, research projects, doctoral theses, scientific information, universities


Introduction. This paper explores the social practices of Communication research in Spain. It gathers the results of a questionnaire targeted to actively working professors included in the census of Spanish universities with Graduate and Post-Graduate studies in Communication, researcher’s members of scientific communities and doctorate students in Communication. Methodology. A total of 2,418 researchers were invited to participate and were granted access to the questionnaire by clicking a link, being 838 the number that completed the questions. Results. The study shows a certain mismatch between academic institutional policies and the perception of researchers about them. Discussion. There is noticed the scarce relationship between companies and university in the field of Communication, a relationship that should entail a model of generation of knowledge transferable to the social and labour context as a means for obtaining added value.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Peñafiel-Saiz, University del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Journalist and professor of the Department of Journalism of Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU). PhD in Information Sciences (1992), accredited Chair professor by ANECA (2012). She is the director of the Doctorate Programme in Social Communication of UPV/EHU and coordinator of the Graduate Studies in Journalism. She has participated in 25 research projects, being the main researcher in 13, one of them has been an European project corresponding to the VI Framework Programme of the European Union, where she was responsible partner of UPV/EHU. She is a member of the Managing Board of the Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC) and member of the Scientific Committee of Groupe d’Études sur la Radiodifusion (GRER). She was founder of the Research Group IREN- International Radio Research Network, where there participated 10 countries of the EU with 13 researchers. Among her quality indexes, there outstand more than 450 citations in Google Scholar, with a H Index: 12, i10 index: 18.

Milagros Ronco-López, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

She is full professor of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication of Universidad del País Vasco/EHU. She is graduate in Information Sciences by Universidad de Navarra, PhD in Information Sciences and Specialist in Advanced Documentation by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. She has worked in written and audiovisual Media Documentation Centres, as well as in specialized databases. She has participated in Research Projects funded by UPV-EHU, UNESCO, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Camarabilbao University Business School. She has published different contents directly related to the organization of information, as well as themes dealing with healthcare in media and on websites and with communication research in Spain. She is founder member of the Basque Association of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists (ALDEE: 1991) integrated in FESABID and IFLA. She is member of the Spanish Association of Communication Research, AE-IC. Her research area is Informational Documentation in all its variants.

José Juan Videla-Rodríguez, University of A Coruña

Journalist, researcher and professor of Audiovisual Communication in the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Universidade da Coruña (UDC). For twenty years he developed tasks of edition and management of information in radio and press. He has taught about audiovisual journalism, structure of the audiovisual system and management of audiovisual projects. He is member of the Research Group on Culture and Interactive Communication of Universidade da Coruña. His current research lines are focused on mobility communication, new devices and forms of reception, and communication structures.

Lázaro Echegaray-Eizaguirre, Cámarabilbao University Business School

Lázaro Echegaray Eizaguirre (Madrid 1971) is PhD by Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea (2012) and Graduate in Sociology by Universidad de Granada (1998). Specialist in Social Research in and in field of qualitative techniques, he has worked different aspects in the area of media and in their relationship with education, accessibility, audiences, contents and health. Also, in the field of social and educational innovation. Currently, he is PhD professor accredited by the agency Unibasq and works in the area of Sociology and Market Research in Camarabilbao University Business School, where he teaches about Social Research and Marketing. He is also Research Coordinator of the same centre. He collaborates in the master’s degree of Market Research of UNIR (Universidad Internacional de la Rioja) teaching the subject Multidisciplinary Contributions to Market Research. At the same time, he works in this same university as TFM director.


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How to Cite

Peñafiel-Saiz C., Ronco-López M., Videla-Rodríguez, J. J. ., & Echegaray-Eizaguirre, L. (2019). Perception and analysis of the university community in terms of the current system of communication research in Spain. Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (74), 1521–1541.


