Las imágenes publicadas en Twitter como forma de comunicación política. El caso de las elecciones generales del año 2016 en España




image; Twitter; political communication; propaganda; elections


Introduction. The purpose of this article is to analyze the images published, by the main candidates, during the electoral campaign to the presidency of the Government of Spain in June 2016. Methodology. This research carries out a qualitative analysis through the use of content analysis. The typology of each image is studied, which in total suppose a corpus of study of 1325 images. Results. The data reveal the construction of the political communication that each candidate transmits to the voter in the social network Twitter. Conclusions. In this work two essential conclusions are reached: First, the image is established as the communication tool on Twitter, finally, an excessive use of Twitter in electoral time does not imply greater success among the audience.


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Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Ruiz del Olmo, University of Málaga. Spain

He is Professor of the University of Málaga, Spain. He develops his teaching and research work in the Faculty of Communication Sciences. Research the communicative models of audiovisual media and contemporary forms of audiovisual representation, as well as their technical and social uses; A second line of research is related to communication and new media. Both lines of work have the common priority interest in qualitative methodologies in audiovisual analysis. In this sense, it is IP of Project CSO2017-85483-R, "New consumption versus old stereotypes: Analysis of the reception by Spanish youth of their current television representations". Ministry of Science and Innovation. Investigation. R&D projects. State Program for the Promotion of Scientific and Technical Research of Excellence (Retos).

Javier Bustos Díaz, University of Málaga. Spain

He has a PhD in Communication from the University of Málaga. Degree in Journalism (2012) and Master in Research in Journalistic Communication (2013). His line of research focuses on the analysis of new forms of political communication, among which are social networks in general and Twitter in particular. He has published several articles in magazines such as Historia y Comunicación Social, as well as book chapters in several publishers among which we find McGrawHill.


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How to Cite

Ruiz del Olmo, Francisco Javier, and Javier Bustos Díaz. 2020. “Las imágenes publicadas en Twitter como forma de comunicación política. El caso de las elecciones generales del año 2016 en España”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 75 (February):313-26.


