Creation of a social awareness format for Spanish public television: Héroes invisibles
Narrative, documentary, television, production, creativity, viewerAbstract
Introduction: Produced by RTVE in collaboration with Taifas Comunicación, Héroes Invisibles is a
documentary series that portrays the life of expatriate Spaniards working on different humanitarian aid
projects. Each episode focuses on one or several social conflicts such as: child malnutrition in Africa,
the consequences of the war in Syria, irregular immigrants in the United States, and rescue operations
in the Central Mediterranean. Methods: Based on Nichols’s documentary modes of representing
reality and the editing styles of Bordwell and Thompson, and Aumont, Bergala, Marie and Vernet, the
authors analyse the creation and evolution of this format produced for Spanish public television. The
main objective is to evaluate, from a mix-methods approach, the evolution of the audiovisual narrative
of this television format, which had an audience of over 110,000 viewers on the International Channel
of TVE and RTVE 2, and on the official online platform of this channel. Results: The format has
transitioned from the predominance of observational sequences and interviews in the first season to
the use of expressive narrative dynamics during the second season. Results: The format of
Héroes Invisibles has evolved according to the demands of the channel, but it has not experienced interviews in the first season to the use of expressive narrative dynamics during the second season.
Conclusions: The format of Héroes Invisibles has evolved according to the demands of the channel,
but it has not experienced significant changes in viewership from one season to another.
significant changes in viewership from one season to another.
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