Journalistic innovation and digital society: An adaptation of journalism studies
Innovation, journalism production, undergraduate studies, journalism, professionAbstract
Introduction: This article offers a comprehensive state-of-the-art review of journalistic innovation,
summarising the approaches that structure such research, defining the main concepts and proposing
new avenues for research. Methods: To achieve these objectives, the article examines the main areas
of scientific research developed around the tensions and research objects within the system, based on
descriptive approaches. The study also involves the review of the agendas of the International
Journalism Festival, held in Perugia since 2006, to identify the bridges between the traditional
journalism industry, technological operators and university centres. Results and conclusions: The
research responds to the need for a journalism degree programme that is adapted to the digital society
and the transformation of the profession, undergraduate studies and journalism research, that requires
its own agenda, an adequate research language and evidence of collaboration between the journalism
industry and the university.
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