Designing Transmedia Worlds: the case of Plot 28 (2013)




transmedia universe, storytelling, map of contents, platforms, narrative strategies, gamification, interaction, scalability, audience, fandom


When configuring transmedia universes, it is necessary to design a map of contents that complies with a design of platforms and channels with its potential incidence on audience. In order to do this, we need to operate in a parallel manner between narrative displays and production design, which include the aesthetic line, technological devices and the design of potential audiences. In this paper these two broad perspectives converge, the production designer’s and the storyteller’s, delving into the joint processes that operate when it comes to building an architecture of transmedia contents, an operation that must be hand in hand with the corresponding technological solutions. All this is summarized in the case of Plot 28, a transmedia universe pioneer in Spanish language launched in January 2013 associated to a transmedia format (Total fiction). The creation experience interacts with the analytical and theoretical approach to offer a rather uncommon enriching perspective of the case of study. This way we will analyze, from a creator praxis, already corroborated but justified by the latest theoretical and hermeneutical approaches, narrative, interaction and gamification strategies, contents management and their scalability, the design of browsing maps, seeking the audience’s empathy with the designed diegetic world. All this accompanied by data obtained from direct sources in this production and dissemination experience that may enlighten future projects.


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Author Biography

Javier Hernández Ruiz , University San Jorge of Zaragoza

Full Professor by ANECA. He has taught arts, film studies, communication and new media at Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad Europea de Madrid, ECAM, ESNE and USJ. Since January 2017, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Social Sciences at Universidad San Jorge, Zaragoza (Spain). He’s author of several books about theory and history of cinema, such as Voces en la niebla, el cine durante la transición española 1973-1983 (Paidós, 2014), and recently about transmedia storytelling. Consequently to this research area there is the book La metafísica de Internet. Nuevas formas de relato en la cultura web (USJ, 2017), coordinated together with professor Carlos Obando. As transmedia creator, he’s co-author of Plot 28 (2013), pioneer transmedia universe in Spanish language and storyteller of El secuestrador de mentes (2015). Bitácora a la deriva para una rebelión (Esto no es Berlín, 2015) is an enhanced book of tales originated in the Plot 28 universe.


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How to Cite

Hernández Ruiz , J. (2019). Designing Transmedia Worlds: the case of Plot 28 (2013). Revista Latina De Comunicación Social, (74), 12–32.




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