Transmedia Education. From the contents generated by the users to the contents generated by the students




Transmedia storytelling, media literacy, transmedia literacy, transmedia education


Introduction: In the last decade a ghost has gone through communication studies: transmedia
storytelling. Born in the field of research on new participatory narrative models, the quality of
transmedia soon became a flexible adjective that adheres to infinity of nouns (transmedia fiction, transmedia journalism, etc.). In this context, experiences or theoretical references to transmedia
education did not take long to appear. Methodology: This article reviews and reflects on these
concepts to avoid semantic abuses and advances in a characterization of the possible applications of
transmedia narrative logics to learning processes. For this, a case study based on a reading/writing
experience carried out in a high school in Barcelona is analysed. This analysis facilitates the approach
to the intersections between education, media, narrative and participatory cultures. Results and
conclusions: The intervention was possible and desirable for learning and created a positive
disposition towards the narrative.



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Author Biographies

Carlos A. Scolari, University Pompeu Fabra

Carlos A. Scolari has a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics and Communication Languages (Sacro Cuore Catholic University of Milan, Italy) and a Degree in Social Communication (University of Rosario, Argentina). He is Associate Professor (tenure) at the Department of Communication of the University Pompeu Fabra – Barcelona, where he coordinates the PhD Program in Communication. His most important publications are: Hipermediaciones (2008), El fin de los medios (with M. Carlón, 2009/2012), Narrativas Transmedia (2013), Transmedia Archaeology (with P. Bertetti and M. Freeman, 2014), Ecología de los Medios (2015), Teens, Media and Collaborative Cultures (2018), and Las Leyes de la Interfaz (2018). His articles have been published en Communication Theory, New Media & Society, International Journal of Communication, Semiotica, Information, Communication & Society, Convergence, etc. He’s the Principal Investigator of the Horizon 2020 “Transmedia Literacy” and the Spanish “Transalfabetismos” research project (2015-18).

Nohemi Lugo Rodríguez, Thecnological University of Monterrey

Nohemi Lugo has a Ph.D. in Social Communication from Universitat Pompeu Fabra (2016). She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communication from Tecnológico de Monterrey (1997) and a Master in Arts by Western Michigan University (2002). Her research connects digital culture studies with an ethnography and design methodology approach. Her goal is to design and develop methods, processes, materials and technologies intended to foster education and social inclusion. She is member of the MEDIUM Research Group (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), specialized in digital communication and digital culture. She was junior researcher in the H2020 “TRANSLITERACY” (2015-18) project. Currently, she is principal researcher and co-author of the LMS gamificado Aprendiz and she is the academic coordinator and principal researcher of a project about alternative reality games design that has received the NOVUS fund of Tecnológico de Monterrey (2013-2017).

Maria-José Masanet, University Pompeu Fabra

Maria-Jose Masanet has a Ph.D. in Social Communication (UPF, 2015). She is professor and researcher at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Her main research lines are related with media literacy, adolescence and youth, TV series, gender perspective and the representation of sexuality and love relationships in the media. She has been visiting researcher at the Loughborough University (2013), at the Universidad Central de Venezuela (2014), at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 (2015) and at the Ghent University (2016). She has participated as project manager and researcher in many different projects funded by the Ministry of Spain and the European Commission as “TRANSGANG” (ERC Advanced Grant) and “TRANSLITERACY” (H2020). She has co-edited the book La educación Mediática en la Universidad Española (Gedisa, 2015) with Dr. Joan Ferrés and her papers have been published in different journals as Young, Sex Education and Comunicar, among others.


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How to Cite

Scolari, C. A. ., Lugo Rodríguez, N., & Masanet, M.-J. . (2019). Transmedia Education. From the contents generated by the users to the contents generated by the students. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 116–132.


