London under Brexit: #LondonIsOpen communication campaign to protect the city identity




Communication campaign, citizen participation, city identity, multicultural London, referendum Brexit


Introduction: The starting point of this study is a historical event, most of UK population voted in favour of exiting the European Union on 23 June 2016. However, the result of the referendum in London was to stay with 75.3% of votes. This shows a scenario contrary to the city’s values, where the multicultural aspect and diversity are part of its identity. This research selects as case study, the communication campaign launched by London mayor, Sadiq Khan, to counteract the Brexit. The campaign #LondonIsOpen as creative expression where citizens have revolutionized institutional actions. Methodology: the content analysis of the audiovisual pieces is proposed as qualitative methodology, with the following objectives: 1. To identify innovative methodologies, 2. To describe collectives involved, 3. To analyse the efficacy of actions. Results and conclusions: Conclusions present what have been the keys of the massive participation, the paradox of the fact that the initiative comes from a political leader and the credibility achieved by his campaign.


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Author Biographies

Rocío Blay-Arráez, University Jaume I

PhD in Communication Sciences by Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain. Since the year 2004, she is professor of Advertising and Public Relations, of which she has also been Vice-Dean in the periods 2012-2018, as well as professor of the University Master’s Degree “New trends and innovation processes in communication.”

She belongs to the research group ENCOM and she is member of the Board of Governors of the Official Association of Advertisers and Public Relations professionals. In the past years, she has conducted different doctorate dissertations about corporate communication and brands management.

She has published research results on national and international journals.

Before dedicating to teaching, she developed her professional career across different multinational advertising agencies and managing the communication department of a group of companies.

Elvira Antón-Carrillo, Roehampton University

She is currently Full Professor in the Department of Media, Culture and Language of the Roehampton University in London, and director of the Hispanic Research Centre of this university. Her research and publications deal with the Critical Analysis of the Discourse and Cultural Studies of media and visual arts, about Representations and Identities in Spain and Latin America. The subjects, in general, are focused in the concepts of language and identity, nation, transnationality, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and neurodiversity.

Lorena López Font, University Jaume I

She is PhD in Information Sciences with the dissertation “The structure of the advertising agency in the Valencian Community: new business formats”, defended in the Universitat Jaume I of Castellón (Spain) in 2005. She currently holds the position of Academic Secretary of the Department of Communication Sciences of Universitat Jaume I. Her studies focus mainly in the professionalization of professional profiles of advertising and of corporate communication, as well as the application of the theory of advertising and the management of intangibles in the cinematographic industry. Currently, she is professor of Advertising Theory and Brand Management in the degrees of Advertising and Public Relations and of Audiovisual Communication. She also teaches in the official postgraduate degree of New Communication Trends.


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How to Cite

Blay-Arráez, R., Antón-Carrillo, E., & López Font, L. (2019). London under Brexit: #LondonIsOpen communication campaign to protect the city identity. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 263–284.




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