Motherhood in Perú through the use of Sentiment Analysis in Facebook




Motherhood, sentiment analysis, mother, woman, social networks, opinions


Introduction. Sociodemographic, technological and cultural changes have had an impact on the image attributed to motherhood, linked to different conceptions throughout history. The objective of the present study was the perception and the new current concepts about motherhood in Peru. Methodology. The opinions contained in the web pages of the groups of the social network Facebook of Peru and they were compiled through the Sentiment Analysis tool, which allows to analyze 28,907 comments. First quantitative conclusions show a positive evidence of the mother woman (5127 comments) leaving a large gap regarding the negative comments (1777). Conclusions. The categorization of the qualitative analysis of the comments gave rise to 4 groups of meanings: super mom, motherhood as a blessing and the source of affection, motherhood as a rejected option and the search for new concepts of motherhood.



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Author Biographies

Rosa Angélica Seperak Viera, Catholic University of San Pablo

Doctorate from the School of Psychology at the National University of San Agustín, Master in Mental Health of the Child, Adolescent and Family by the Catholic University of Santa María, with a degree in psychology from the Catholic University of San Pablo. Professor and researcher of the professional career of education and psychology of the Catholic University San Pablo in general psychology courses and thesis seminar; professor of psychology at the University San Martin de Porres South-affiliate psychology courses, affective processes, cognitive processes and research I and the Technological University of Peru in the courses of experimental psychology.

SCOPUS AUTHOR ID: 57204897000 
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Lila Paola Cerellino Cernades, Catholic University San Pablo

Specialist in couples and family therapy at the Pontificia de Comillas University - Madrid- (Spain). Bachelor in psychology from the National University of San Agustín de Arequipa. He is currently studying the Master in Marriage and Family of the University of Navarra and conducts research in social sciences at the Institute for Marriage and Family of the Catholic University of San Pablo. His most recent published research is "Risk Factors of Violence against Women in Peru" published in July 2017 in the Jounal of Family Violence.
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José Eduardo Ochoa-Luna, Catholic University of San Pablo

He holds a Ph.D. in Science (Engineering School at Sao Paulo University, Brazil). His main research interests include graphical models, deep learning and natural language processing. He has published over 20 papers in international journals, conference and workshops. He is currently an assistant profesor of the Department of Computer Science at San Pablo Catholic University. He is also a researcher and a faculty member of the master program in Computer Science at the same department. He has participated in several Peruvian and Brazilian R & D projects. 

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Axel Paul Torres-Valer Basauri, Catholic University of San Pablo

Graduated from the School of Psychology, from the San Pablo Catholic University. Participant of two winning research projects of the Research Projects Contest in Social Sciences and Humanities 2016 organized by the Research Department (DI) of the San Pablo Catholic University. The two projects in execution correspond to the theme: Quality of family life and hope in caregivers of children with neurodevelopmental disorders, and their relationship with dysfunctional thoughts and pathological symptoms, and Sentiment analysis on the perception of motherhood on Facebook

Carolina Margarita Dianderas Cáceres, Catholic University of San Pablo

Master's Degree in Marriage and Family from the University of Navarra (Spain). Degree in Special Education from the Universidad Catolica Santa María (Peru). Full-time professor at the Universidad Catolica San Pablo, researcher at the Institute for Marriage and Family, part of the staff of professionals of the Family Specialization Program, general coordinator of the Specialization in Humanistic Pedagogy Program.


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How to Cite

Seperak Viera, R. A., Cerellino Cernades, L. P., Ochoa-Luna, J. E. ., Torres-Valer Basauri, A. P. ., & Dianderas Cáceres, C. M. (2019). Motherhood in Perú through the use of Sentiment Analysis in Facebook. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 1031–1055.


