From the "First trip around the Globe" (s.XVI) to "Le Tour du Monde" (s.XIX-XX): Travel logs and the formation of modern media around the categories of information and entertainment




travel logs, alterity, colonialism, information, entertaiment, journalism


The present work consider some continuities present in the story of Antonio de Pigafetta where he recorded the first round the world (1519-1522) and the texts published in the French travel magazine "Le Tour du Monde" (1860-1914). The pertinence in the comparison of these texts lies in the fact that both are developed in a colonial context where they appear as premature forms of media, both having a central component that involves contact with non-European indigenous alterity. Methodology and results. Through a semiotic analysis methodology, it is demonstrated how the notions of information and spectacle are linked to the way in which otherness is meant in these texts. Discussion and Conclusions. It is then discussed about the relevance of talking about "travel journalism" as a genre underestimated because it is not pure and hard information; more than a modern form of journalism, travel journalism is an antecedent of traditional journalism.


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Author Biographies

Eduardo Gallegos Krause, Universidad de La Frontera

Degree in Social Communication and Master in Communication Sciences from the Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. He completed a year of studies equivalent to Master 1 at the Institute of Political Studies in Rennes, France, where he began his interest in nineteenth-century travel stories and the representation of the indigenous alterity of the Americas that appeared in these texts.

He is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Communication taught jointly by the Universidad de la Frontera and the Universidad Austral, both from Chile. At the same time he works as a professor in the Department of Languages, Literature and Communication and in the Master in Communication Sciences, where he is also academic coordinator, all within the framework of the Faculty of Education, Social Sciences and Humanities of the University of Border.

His research areas are concentrated on the semi-discursive representations of identity and otherness in various cultural objects such as: travel stories, advertising, counter-hegemonic press, among others. He has published the results of his reflections in a dozen magazines and book chapters.

Jaime Otazo Hermosilla , University of La Frontera

Doctor in Information and Communication Sciences from the Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle (Paris III), Master in Communication Sciences and Journalist from the University of La Frontera.

He has participated as an associate researcher in projects with state and institutional funding around public discourse and representations in the context of the so-called Mapuche conflict, (FONDECYT 1000234, DIUFRO-EP 2023 and FONDECYT 1030274, DIUFRO-INI 2100) and on the history and cartography of semiotics in Chile. He currently participates as a co-researcher in studies on the Transformations of Legal Culture in the South Macro-region (FONDECYT 1170505) and on the construction of imaginaries of the State and Democracy in Chilean emblematic Memories (FONDECYT 1161253).

His current line of research focuses on the role of the press in the context of socio-cultural movements. He has presented papers and lectured at national and international seminars and conferences. He has published articles in specialized magazines on the issue of the relationship between the press and the Mapuche conflict. In the academic field, he has worked as professor of Semiotics and Discourse Analysis at the University of La Frontera and other universities in the region, having exclusive dedication at the University of La Frontera since 2003.


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How to Cite

Gallegos Krause, E., & Otazo Hermosilla , J. . (2019). From the "First trip around the Globe" (s.XVI) to "Le Tour du Monde" (s.XIX-XX): Travel logs and the formation of modern media around the categories of information and entertainment. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 840–857.


