‘Production companies’ concentration and international capital in commercial Spanish television: Antena 3 and TeleCinco





Television, production companies, media concentration, media groups, private television, Spain


Introduction. This paper presents a quantitative analysis of the production companies in Spanish commercial television for the channels Antena 3 (Atresmedia Televisión) and TeleCinco (Mediaset España), which are the two private television networks with the greatest audience share in Spain. Methods. A quantitative method was used to analyze the programming grid of an 8-day sample based on a content analysis. Results and discussion. The paper shows that the production companies that appeared in both channels are linked in most times with international conglomerates and that, on the contrary, small production companies have scare presence. Conclusion. The tendency of outsourcing contents fosters a high penetration of transnational groups and international capital sources in the production of Spanish TV programs, which impedes formats created in Spain, and consequentially, the presence of national production companies.


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Author Biographies

Margarita Medina-Nieto, University of Seville

Margarita Medina has a degree in Journalism from the University of Seville and a PhD in Communication from the same university. Her lines of research include studies on audiovisual media, specifically, television and audiovisual production companies.

Aurora Labio-Bernal, University of Sevilla

Aurora Labio-Bernal is a professor of Journalism at the University of Seville (Department of Journalism II). Among her lines of research is the structure of information framed in Political Economy. She directs the DEMOC-Media Research Group (SEJ-528).


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How to Cite

Medina-Nieto, Margarita, and Aurora Labio-Bernal. 2019. “‘Production companies’ concentration and international capital in commercial Spanish television: Antena 3 and TeleCinco ”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 74 (May):857-72. https://doi.org/10.4185/RLCS-2019-1361.


