Between Censorship and Propaganda: how spanish and portuguese newspapers covered Marcelo Caetano oficial visit to Spain in 1970



Caetano; censorship; Franco; Portugal; press; Spain


Introduction: The article analysis how two Spanish (ABC y Pueblo) and two Portuguese (Diário Popular y Diário de Notícias) important daily newspapers covered the State visit of Marcelo Caetano to Spain in 1970. The press coverage of the meeting between the two heads of the Iberian governments, Franco and Caetano, reflects the political changes defining the final phases of Francoism in Spain, and of the New State in Portugal. Methodology: The framing and interpretation of the State visit event combine content analysis and critical and contextual press reading. Results: The specificity of each daily newspaper was due to several factors, including the propriety regime, the editorial positioning and the legal framework: self-censorship in the case of Spain, and previous censorship in the case of Portugal. Conclusions: The research shows that the visit had a greater impact on the Portuguese press. The Spanish newspapers ABC and Pueblo remained confined to the official reports. In the Portuguese case, we can see signs of journalistic autonomy arising in Diário Popular, contrasting with the more conventional and laudatory coverage made by Diário de Notícias.


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Author Biographies

Clara Sanz-Hernando, University of Extremadura

She has a Degree in Information Sciences from Complutense University of Madrid and a PhD. In Journalism with Extraordinary Prize of Degree mention. She is a PhD Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Documentation and Communication Sciences in the University of Extremadura (UEx). She has practiced the journalistic profession over thirty years, in both private media and Public Administration, where she has done tasks as Communication Manager. As a professor, she lectures subjects related to press and radio. She is part of the Research Group ARDOPA of the UEx. Her main lines of research are focused on the media during the Civil War and Francoism; the compared analysis of censorship during the Spanish and Portuguese dictatorships, and the configuration of the news ecosystem after the changes occurred as a consequence of the digital journalism implementation. 

Ana Cabrera, NOVA University of Lisbon

She has a Degree in History from the University of Lisbon, a Master’s Degree in Communication Sciences and a PhD in Contemporary Political History from the NOVA University of Lisbon. She is a researcher at the Contemporary History Institute of the NOVA University of Lisbon. As a researcher she has a long career in political communication. Her works are developed on studies of the mass media representation of politics and politician women in the press and television. Additionally, she has led several projects financed by the FST (Foundation for Science and Technology) in the field of mass media representations and the studies of censorship and press freedom in consonance with big changes in contemporary society. In the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon she lectured the History of the Media subject.

Carla Baptista, NOVA University of Lisbon

She has a degree in Communication Sciences from The NOVA University of Lisbon, a Master’s Degree in African Studies from the ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon and a PhD in Communication Sciences from the NOVA University. She is a freelance journalist, collaborates with the Jornais e Jornalistas magazine and with the Portuguese edition of the Le Monde Diplomatique newspaper. She has been a professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon since 2004, where she lectures the “Journalistic Genres” and “History of the Media” subjects and the “Ethical and Deontological Matters of Journalism”, and “History and Theories of Journalism” seminars in the Master’s Degree in Journalism. Her research interests are focused in the history of the media and journalism during the transition periods of the regime, as well as in the field of cultural journalism and the role of the media in the identity and gender constructs.


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How to Cite

Sanz-Hernando, C. ., Cabrera, A., & Baptista, C. . (2020). Between Censorship and Propaganda: how spanish and portuguese newspapers covered Marcelo Caetano oficial visit to Spain in 1970. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (77), 73–94. Retrieved from


