Relationship between the engagement for the use of social networks and the practice of physical exercise in the municipal sports centers of Barcelona




Engagement, Social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Physical exercise, Sports centers


Introduction. This study analyzes the use of social networks by the municipal sports centers (CEM) of Barcelona and how this can be related to the practice of physical exercise. Methodology. The engagement of the municipal sports centers of Barcelona was calculated by registering the interactions in their social networks (Facebook and Twitter) and then determining the relationship between engagement and the practice of physical exercise in Barcelona. Results The data shows that there is a positive relationship between engagement and the practice of physical activity. Besides, it is identified that Facebook likes determined the highest relationship. Discussion and Conclusions. Although the data collection was very limited (82 days), it is recommended that sports centers manage communication through social networks and pay attention to how to involve users.


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Author Biographies

Mauricio Caro Vásquez, University of Barcelona

Former master's student in Economic Management of Sports Entities, University of Barcelona, Spain. Postgraduate in Fundamentals of Sports Entities Management, University of Barcelona, Spain. Professor of Physical Education, Catholic University of Maule, Chile. The main research interests are sports management, technology and health, and planning of sports and health processes.

Amal Elasri Ejjaberi, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Lecturer in Economics and Business Studies at the Open University of Catalonia. Her field of study focuses on service management and consumer behavior in the sports sector. She is a researcher at the Business Research Group at the University of Barcelona, and the consolidated Group for Teaching Innovation in Business Organization (GIDOE).

Pilar Aparicio Chueca, University of Barcelona

Doctor and associate professor at the Department of Economics and Business Organization of the University of Barcelona. She is currently the coordinator of the Master in Sports Business Management. She is a researcher at the Business Research Group at the University of Barcelona, and the consolidated Group for Teaching Innovation in Business Organization (GIDOE).

Xavier Triadó Ivern, University of Barcelona

Associate professor at the University of Barcelona attached to the Department of Business in the area of Business Economics and Organization. Doctor in Economic Sciences. Director of the Institute for Professional Development (IDP) of the University of Barcelona. He is a researcher at the Business Research Group of the University of Barcelona, and MR of the consolidated Group for Teaching Innovation in Business Organization (GIDOE).


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How to Cite

Caro Vásquez, M. ., Elasri Ejjaberi, A. ., Aparicio Chueca, P. ., & Triadó Ivern, X. . (2021). Relationship between the engagement for the use of social networks and the practice of physical exercise in the municipal sports centers of Barcelona . Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (79), 223–235.


