Advertising directed to bilinguals: do both languages produce the same response? The case of spanish and basque in basque society




Television advertising, Reception, Bilinguism, Students, Quantitative techniques, Neuromarketing


Introduction. The objective of this study is to explore the effectiveness of audiovisual advertising in basque population based on if the language used is the minority language (Basque) or the dominant one (Spanish). Previous research suggests two possible scenarios. In a first scenario, local language (Basque) has a greater capacity to create emotional responses because of closeness and fondness. In the second one, the dominant language generates a greater emotional response because of its predominance. Methodology. In order to implement this research, explicit (questionnaires with standard pretest metrics) and implicit (psychophysiological responses) techniques have been employed with an exploratory design featuring two non-randomized experimental groups (n=22 and n=23) in which each group is exposed to ads in one of the languages. Findings and conclusions. The results suggest that, if receptors have a minimum linguistic competence in both languages, there is no statistically significant difference between the effectiveness of the ad in one language or another, neither in implicit measures nor in explicit ones. These results need to be contextualized as exploratory because of the reduced sample and the specific socio-demographic segment used (students).


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Author Biographies

Sergio Monge-Benito, País Vasco University

Sergio Monge Benito is Associate Professor in UPV/EHU. Graduate in Advertisement and Public Relations and PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertisement. His most usual subjects are “Efficacy of Advertisement”, “Marketing: Concepts, Strategies and Techniques” and “Communication and advertisement: Persuasive Strategies” in the graduate studies of Advertisement and Public Relations. He teaches in three different languages: Spanish, Euskera and English.

He has written several articles in scientific journals, book chapters and has performed numerous papers and lectures. He acts as consultant for different companies and organizations in the field of communication through knowledge transferal agreement with the university.

His research lines are focused on communication through Internet (web 2.0, blogs, positioning, digital reputation, social networks …) and in neuromarketing. His h index is 8 according to Google Scholar (2017). His personal web is

Elena Olabarri-Fernández, País Vasco University

Graduated in Sociology (1980), Doctor in Political Science and Sociology (1989) and Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (2001).

She is a professor of "Psychosociology of Consumption" in the degree of Advertising and Public Relations, and of "Communication and Advertising: persuasive strategies"
Her main lines of research are the study of consumer behavior ”especially questions related to decision processes; and secondly, "Advertising persuasion".

She has been director of the master's degree in Corporate Communication. She is the author or co-author of various works such as El Behavior of the Consumer (Ediciones Deusto, 1996); Consumption and addiction to shopping (Basque Government, 2001). Gender identity in the film image, (UPV, 2004). Gender identity in the television image (Ministry of Social Affairs, 2004). Food safety in the Spanish press (University of the Basque Country, 2017). Analyzing the Strategic Role of Social Networking in Firm Growth and Productivity (IGI Global 2017).

She has also written numerous articles in scientific communication and advertising magazines.

She has been a speaker at various national and international conferences and seminars: ESOMAR, World Congress on Leisure and Human Development, Marketing Trends. European Conference and Social Media. EMAC. It has obtained the European award for the best research methodology and the Fernanda Monti Award for the best paper presented.

Sandra Usin Enales, University of the País Vasco

Associate Professor at the UPV / EHU. Degree in Social Sciences and Communication in the specialty of Advertising and Public Relations and, Doctor in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising.

The subjects he teaches and has taught are "Psychosociology of Consumption and Marketing", "Strategic and Interactive Marketing", "Theory of Public Relations" and "Techniques of Public Relations", in the degree of Advertising and Public Relations, as well as , "Commercial, Corporate and Institutional Communication" in the degree of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. He has participated in the Master of Corporate Communication at the UPV / EHU until its extinction, with the subject "Institutional Communication" and for more than 13 years, he has taught in the Master in Marketing and Commercial Management of the UPV / EHU working in the area from “Consumer behavior: the basis of customer orientation”. He has voluntarily participated in the Docentiaz program (program for the evaluation of the teaching activity of UPV / EHU faculty, where the planning and development of the teaching-learning process, the results in training terms and finally, professional development are evaluated teacher of the teaching staff) where it has obtained the qualification of excellent.

The main lines of research throughout her academic activity can be divided into three. The first and most fruitful line of research deals with the "consumer behavior" object of study of his doctoral thesis, where he investigated "the consumer buying behavior of shopping centers in Vizcaya" and for which he obtained the second prize. National for the best doctoral thesis in trade in 2012 and 2013. This line of research has been perfected with the participation in a research project of the UPV / EHU, where the area of ​​analysis continues to be to study purchasing behaviors, which it has resulted in numerous papers and communications presented at conferences (many of them international), as well as articles in scientific journals and the publication of a book. Similarly, the deepening in this area of ​​study has been perfected with two research stays in foreign universities (York University and the University of London) as well as a stay in a national university (University of Deusto).

The second line of research has to do with “communication, advertising and new forms of communication on the internet”, and on this subject we have participated in two research projects, one from the UPV / EHU and the other from the Junta de Castilla and Leon. Likewise, this line of research has made possible the publication of articles in high-impact journals, as well as presentations and presentation of communications at conferences.

Joseba Etxebarria-Gangoiti, University of the País Vasco

Joseba Andoni Echebarria Gangoiti is Associate Professor with more than 25 years of experience at the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Degree in Journalism, Degree in Advertising and Public Relations and Doctor in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising. He has taught undergraduate degrees in various subjects such as "Communication Marketing", "Strategic and Operational Communication", "Strategic and Interactive Marketing" and "Systems and processes of Advertising and Public Relations". He has also taught numerous postgraduate teaching in various master's degrees and courses for technology centers and companies, generally on topics related to digital marketing and strategy, he has written several articles in scientific journals, book chapters, and made numerous communications and presentations in academic and professional forums. . He has advised different companies and organizations on communication through knowledge transfer contracts with the university. His lines of research focus on marketing and communication through the Internet (web 2.0, digital strategy, digital reputation, networks social…) and in the study and knowledge of the advertising and marketing sector in the Basque Country. Manages the blog on corporate communication issues. He is a proactive person for collaboration and participation in associations and organizations that help and disseminate socially the prestige and good use of communication as a relevant activity in business and social management. He was President of the Internet @ Euskadi Association for 4 years, he was also President for 6 years of the Media Section of the Eusko Ikaskuntza / Basque Studies Society. Currently and for 5 years he is a member of the Board of Directors of the association Dircom (Directors of Communication) in its delegation from the north of Spain (DIRCOM North).

Eduardo Horna-Prat, University of Zaragoza

Eduardo Horna is a Telecommunications Engineer from the University of Zaragoza with additional training from the University of Linköping (Sweden) and a Master's degree in Systems and Control Engineering from the National University of Distance Education (UNED). He also has an Executive Master in Innovation Management from the School of Industrial Organization (EOI).

Since 2012 he has been an R&D engineer at BitBrain, starting his career in the company thanks to a grant from INNCORPORA that allowed him to train and research in the design of experimentation protocols, analysis and decoding of neuroimaging data, as well as the application of techniques machine learning.

His current line of research and development focuses on the processing of biological signals such as EEG, GSR, ECG or Eye-Tracker (among others) to create automatic tools for decoding emotional and cognitive states that can be used and interpreted. by non-expert personnel in the field of biosignals.

Javier Mínguez, Zaragoza University

Prof. Dr. Javier Minguez is a tenured professor of computer science and systems engineering, and founder of the neurotechnology research group at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). He is the co-founder of Bitbrain, an SME company active in the market research market (under the Usenns brand) and in the cognitive stimulation market (under the Elevvo brand).

He has been invited as a professor and researcher in more than 10 academic institutions, such as Stanford University (USA), the University of Tubingen (Germany), etc. It has raised funds for innovation from more than 20 private partners such as L'Oreal, Johnson & Johnson, Nissan, Seat, Bupa, among others; and for research in more than 30 projects of public entities such as the European Commission or the Spanish Ministry of Science. He has published more than 120 research publications and 5 patents, in the areas of neuroscience, neural engineering, brain-machine technology, human-computer interaction, motor and cognitive neurorehabilitation, intelligent robotics and market research. He has received more than 20 international awards and his R&D has been featured in Wired, New Scientist, BBC, The Economist, The Telegraph, CNN, Daily News, Business Since, etc.


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How to Cite

Monge-Benito, S., Olabarri-Fernández, E. ., Usin Enales, S., Etxebarria-Gangoiti, J., Horna-Prat, E., & Mínguez, J. (2019). Advertising directed to bilinguals: do both languages produce the same response? The case of spanish and basque in basque society. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 457–476.


