Transmedia New Literacies and collective participatory skills. Strategies for creative production and leisure management of Star Wars fans




Transmedia literacy, Participation, Fans, Creative production, Leisure


Introduction. In the current transmedia communication environment, active participation in the creation of content, information and messages is redefining the educational experience. This article analyzes the production of new transmedia literacies based on the collective participatory skills of a community of fans. Methodology. From an ethnographic perspective that combines online and offline participant observation, and in-depth interviews with founding members, the participatory practices of a Star Wars fan community are analyzed.  Results. From the analysis carried out, two concepts emerge: creative production and leisure management. The first concept refers to a type of production made by the fans that crosses the mediatic, virtual and face-to-face spheres of their practices, and the second refers to the fans´ strategies developed for the use of time and shared emotional culture. Discussions. this section discusses the proposal of six dimensions of new transmedia literacies in the light of the collective dimension of participation. Conclusions. Finally, we reflect on how collective participatory skills transform educational possibilities through transmediality.


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Author Biography

José Manuel Corona Rodríguez, University of Guadalajara

José Manuel Corona Rodríguez is a Master in Communication and Doctor of Education from the University of Guadalajara (Mexico). Professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey and at the University of Guadalajara. Associate researcher and member of the UNESCO Chair on Informational Media Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue based at the UDG. His research focuses on Informational Media Literacy, and on the production and consumption of Transmedia Narratives. He has published in national and international magazines and participated in some international conferences. In 2017 he was a visiting professor at the Department of Communication at the Pompeu Fabra University. His most recent work appeared in Comunicación y Sociedad (2018) No. 33. Issue dedicated to Transmedia Literacy with the chapter: From literacy to literacies: learning and DIY participation of Mexican Fans and Makers.


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How to Cite

Corona Rodríguez, J. M. (2019). Transmedia New Literacies and collective participatory skills. Strategies for creative production and leisure management of Star Wars fans. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (74), 434–456.


