Football broadcasting rights in Spain in the digital age: between pay television and streaming services
Football broadcasting rights, payment television, OTT platforms, streaming, Telefónica, MediaproAbstract
Introduction: This article analyses the Spanish market for traditional pay-TV and streaming platforms in relation to football broadcasting rights. The objective is to determine whether the current model of acquisition and exploitation of football broadcasting rights in Spain has reached the end of the cycle and to characterise this scenario in the coming years. Methods: The analysis focuses on the key elements involved in the possible scenarios, in the medium and long term, and their probability, taking into account social, political, economic and business conditions, as well as the situations in other countries. Results: The study confirms the end of a model that had prevailed, with variations, since the 1990s. Discussion and conclusions: Football contents will coexist in traditional pay-TV, which is still dominated by telecommunications companies, and in streaming services, through OTT platforms, which will gain more ground, shaping a new and complex media scenario.
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