Radio podcasting: Studies on radio podcasting: A systematic literature review in WOS and Scopus that reveals a low scientific production




Radio, podcast, systematic literature review, bibliography


In the media environment, on-demand content is becoming more and more prevalent. Radio is also evolving and is increasingly offering this type of content. However, radio has not been sufficiently appreciated as a medium and this has resulted in a low scientific production. Within this new model of radio convergence, this article aims to review the state of the scientific literature linking radio and podcast. Methods. The article presents an exhaustive review of the literature on podcasting and online radio, based on the review of the most cited journals listed in Scopus and WOS (Web of Science). Based on the systematic literature review technique, we formulated hypotheses related to the number of published articles, journals and countries of publication, language of articles, authors’ affiliation and impact factor. Results. There is a low incidence as far as production is concerned. An initial search revealed 91 articles, of which only 28 became part of the sample based on their subject. Almost all of the articles are written in English and are produced in English-Speaking countries, and Radio Journal is the publication that offers the largest number of articles on the subject under study.


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Author Biographies

Rafael Galán Arribas, University of Salamanca

He holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Salamanca (2015). Master's Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Salamanca (2016). Currently, PhD student in sophomore year and its line of research is: "Challenges for the radio industry: Podcastig and Radio ONLINE as new business models". He is currently working collaboratively on Radio USAL.

Francisco Javier Herrero Gutiérrez, University of Salamanca

Assistant Professor Doctor of the University of Salamanca. PhD in Communication from the University of Salamanca (2013). Degree in Audiovisual Communication (2007) from the University of Salamanca and journalism from the Pontifical University of Salamanca (2005). Master's Degree "ICT in Education: analysis and design of processes, resources and training practices" (2014).

His main lines of research and publications focus on sports communication; bibliographic analysis and scientific journals; municipal political transparency in Spain.

Since 2013, accredited to the figure of Doctor Hired Professor.

As far as management is concerned, among many other tasks, he is Coordinator of the Degree in Communication and Audiovisual Creation of the University of Salamanca, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the X Latin International Congress of Social Communication and member of the Editorial Committee of the scientific journal "Fonseca, Journal of Communication".

Martha Vergara Fragoso, Universidad de Guadalajara

She is currently Professor in the Bachelor of International Relations, in the MA and PhD in Political Science, in the MA in Educational Research, in the MA in Literacy. She is Research Coordinator in the University Center of social Sciences and Humanities, of the University of Guadalajara and is part of the National System of Researchers, Level I.

Her research topics are related to education, teaching and interculturality from different perspectives: analysis of international evaluations on national education policies, training processes and intercultural teaching practice in both basic and postgraduate levels and in urban and indigenous contexts.

She has several own publications and collaborations. She has published articles on education in international journals such as REICEEducación y Desarrollo SocialDiálogos Pedagógicos and Diálogos. She has written more than 20 chapters related to bilingual intercultural education, teacher training and education policy. She also has published several books as La práctica cotidiana de los profesores, un estudio desde el proceso de formación en el posgrado, La política educativa más allá del concepto, Formación docente y problemática en la práctica de los profesores de las comunidades indígenas: el caso de Jalisco, Chiapas, Chihuahua y Guanajuato, among others.

She is Member of the Mexican Council of Educational Research in Mexico (COMIE), of the Ibero-American Network on Change and School Efficiency (RINACE), of the Interuniversity Association of Pedagogical Research (AIDIPE), Coordinator of the Mexican Network of Researchers in Educational Research (RedMIIE), and Coordinator of the Professors’ Network Training and Counseling in Postgraduate Studies and Education in Ibero-America.

Cruz Alberto Martínez Arcos, Autonomous University of Tamaulipas

Cruz Alberto Martínez Arcos holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Public Relations from the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (México), a Master’s degree in Media and Communications from Goldsmiths College, University of London (England), and a PhD degree in Communication, from Birkbeck, University of London (England).

Full-time professor in the areas of communication and public administration of the School of Law and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, since 2014. Professor of Interpersonal communication, Non-verbal communication, Research methods, and Development of theoretical perspectives in Communication at the undergraduate level. Professor of Public opinion, research seminar and dissertation seminars at the postgraduate levels.

In the area of research, he is member of Mexico’s National Researcher System (SNI) (January 2016-January 2019), member of the "Social Communication” research group (UAT-CA-122) of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas and, since January 2016, Research Coordinator of the School of Law and Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas. His current research areas are analysis of educational policies, media representations of vulnerable groups and organised crime and political communication. Author of several journal articles, including: The Effectiveness of Mexico’s Faculty Improvement Program (Promep) in Public State Universities (Education Policy Analysis Archives – EPAA, 2015)


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How to Cite

Galán Arribas, R., Herrero Gutiérrez, F. J. ., Vergara Fragoso, M. ., & Martínez Arcos, C. A. (2018). Radio podcasting: Studies on radio podcasting: A systematic literature review in WOS and Scopus that reveals a low scientific production. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 1398–1411.




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