Innovation in the accountability of public service media (PSM). The case of the CCMA




Innovation, media, accountability, public service broadcasting, television, transparency


This article analyses the transparency of public service media (PSM), and particularly the systems of governance and corporate responsibility of the Catalan Corporation of Audiovisual Media (Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals-CCMA). Methods: the study combines quantitative techniques (performed on periodic reports presented by CCMA executives in public appearances) and qualitative tools (in-depth, unstructured and recorded personalised interviews). Results: the study describes the internal and external accountability tools, their internal dynamics and control mechanisms. Conclusions: the accountability tools that were analysed are valid but have been stagnant for a decade; innovation measures are proposed in view of the need to implement changes in many of them.


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Author Biographies

Joaquín Marqués-Pascual, EAE Business School

PhD in Communication (Cum laude) from the Ramon Llull University. Lawyer and political scientist (UOC). Professor at the EAE Business School (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) and other Spanish universities (ESRP-UB) and Latin American universities (PUCMM and University of the Hemispheres). Leader of the Communication Research Group (CommResearch-EAE), Founding member of ACCIEP. Member of the DIRCOM, Catalan Society of Communication (IEC). Member of the editorial board of the ACOP journal. His latest book is Política y Propaganda. Medios de Comunicación y Opinión Pública (“Politics and Propaganda. Media and Public Opinion”), published by UOC Ediciones. His research focuses on the intersection between communication (Media), political science and their regulation.

H: Index: 2.

Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Joan-Francesc Fondevila-Gascón holds a PhD degree in Journalism. Professor at the Department of Communication of the Pompeu Fabra University and the Business Department of the University of Girona. Leader of Digital Journalism and Broadband research group. Member of the CompolWatch research group. Author of numerous books and scientific journal articles on communication, telecommunications and social sciences. Director of the Centre for Cable Studies (CECABLE) and winner of several research awards.

H-index: 12.

Juan Morillo Bentué, EAE Business School

Vice-Dean of Postgraduate Studies in EAE Business School. Juan Morillo Bentué holds PhD and MA degrees in Economics and business management from the Rey Juan Carlos I University (Madrid), as well as an Engineering degree in Chemistry from the Chemical Institute of Sarrià-IQS (Barcelona) and a degree in Marketing and Sales from ESADE.

Ten years of experience as sales and marketing director in international companies. He has taught sales and marketing courses in numerous universities and business schools.

His research work revolves around the relationship between business strategy and the commercial area. Author of four books, research articles and communications delivered at national and international congresses.


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How to Cite

Marqués-Pascual, J., Fondevila-Gascón, J.-F. ., & Morillo Bentué, J. (2018). Innovation in the accountability of public service media (PSM). The case of the CCMA. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 1090–1114.




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