The Two-Speed Europe reflected in Public Service Media Funding: a budget based analysis




Public Service Media, funding, license fee, legitimacy, comparative analysis


European Public Service Media (psm) faces today challenges regarding innovation, legitimacy and funding. This paper analyzes the evolution of European psm funding between 2010 and 2016, considering its need for legitimization and update of the different funding models within the eu. Methodology. We analyzed the evolution of the budgets of the European psm in relation to inhabitants, households and gdp in terms of purchasing power parity. Results. The results confirm the impact of the economic crisis on the budgets of the European psm. Two triennials can be identified: the first one (2010-2013), marked by budgetary constrictions (-4.1%), and the second one (2013-2016), which shows a slight recovery (4%). We also highlight the differences between Northern and Southern Europe. Conclusions. Ultimately, we conclude that a reformulation of the European psm business models is required in order to achieve greater stability, adequacy and legitimacy.


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Author Biographies

Óscar Juanatey-Boga, University of Coruña

Graduate in Economics and Business Studies (1999) and PhD in Economics and Business Studies at University of A Coruña (2006). He holds a Master in Business Administration (MBA), a Masters in Commercial Management and Marketing and a Masters in Corporate Communications from the UDC.

He is a professor at the Marketing and Market Research Area of the University of A Coruña since 2001, and ha has been a lecturer in several Masters about Marketing, Communication, Business and Human Resources.

He has authored more than fifty papers in journals and books in research areas around media and communication strategies, marketing and new technologies, which has allowed him the obtaining of six-year research.

He is part of the Research Group on Applied Marketing of the University of A Coruña, which is part of the International Network of Communication Management (Xescom).

Valentín-Alejandro Martínez-Fernández, University of Acoruña

Journalist and titular professor of the Marketing and Market Research Area of the University of A Coruña. He holds a degree in Information Sciences from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the Universidad de A Coruña and he is a PhD in Information Sciences by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

He has been a visiting professor at universities in Portugal, Cuba, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Brazil and Ecuador. He has been a researcher of the Prometheus Program sponsored by the Republic of Ecuador. He has authored more than a hundred publications in the field of social communication and marketing.

He has been part of the management board of business enterprises and the director of the newspaper El Ideal Gallego during almost a decade.

Marta Rodríguez-Castro, University of A Coruña

Marta Rodríguez-Castro (Santiago de Compostela, España) holds a degree on Audiovisual Communication from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) and a Masters Degree on Research Applied to Media from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. She is currently a PhD student in Contemporary Communication and Information in the USC, where she has a FPU contract and she is part of the research group ‘Novos Medios’.

Her research field is strongly links to European public service media, focusing on governance, regulation and funding. Her doctoral thesis approaches public value tests around Europe and proximity media.


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How to Cite

Juanatey-Boga, Óscar, Valentín-Alejandro Martínez-Fernández, and Marta Rodríguez-Castro. 2018. “The Two-Speed Europe reflected in Public Service Media Funding: a budget based analysis”. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, no. 73 (May):1054-71.


