Reported speech as an indicator of internal pluralism in the media: the case of the news programmes of TVE and TV3




Reported speech, pluralism, TV news programme, political speech, quotations, words, verbs


The objective of this work is to analyse the impact of reported speech on the way TV news programmes address political information in order to study its relevance as an indicator of media internal pluralism. Methodology: A linguistic and discursive content analysis was performed on a sample of political news pieces broadcast by two primetime TV news programmes (TVE1 and TV3) in pre-election period, and a comparative analysis was carried out to assess the representation of political actors. A quantitative-qualitative method and a sequential, nested design are used to analyse the use of reported speech to represent political actors. Results: The results show differences on the way the image of political actors is constructed and in the reproduction of their public speech. Discussion and Conclusions: It is necessary to incorporate reported speech as an indicator to observe media information quality.


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Author Biographies

María Ángeles García Asensio, University of Barcelona

Mª Ángeles García Asensio holds a PhD degree in Spanish Philology and is a Full Professor at the Department of Hispanic Philology, Literary Theory and Communication of the University of Barcelona. Her doctoral thesis examines the Discourse of television news programmes. She teaches in undergraduate (Audiovisual Communication) and postgraduate courses, and is a member of the coordination team of the MA programme in Spanish as a Foreign Language in Professional Fields.

Member of the Academic Discourse Studies (EDAP) research group, which focuses on the analysis of the expert discourse in professional fields, with emphasis on the characterisation of the audiovisual and digital journalistic speeches, and the optimisation of written specialised texts (legal language).

She has participated in the development of the Field study: the Spanish written legal discourse, requested by the Ministry of Justice. Co-author of the Manual of academic and professional writing (Editorial Ariel). H-index: 2

Carlos Aguilar Paredes, University of Barcelona

Carlos Aguilar holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and a PhD degree in Communication. He is an Associate Professor in the BA degree programme in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Barcelona. Member of the DHIGECS research group of the University of Barcelona.

His researcher interest include quality of political information and structure of the audiovisual system.
H-index: 2.

Lucia Jiménez Iglesias, University of Barcelona

Lucía Jiménez Iglesias holds BA degrees in Advertising and Public Relations (Pontifical University of Salamanca) and in Audiovisual Communication (University of Salamanca), as well as a Master’s degree in Information and Knowledge Society from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) (2014).

Member of the DHIGECS Research Group of the University of Barcelona, since 2015, with a FI PhD Fellowship. Candidate in the PhD programme in Information and Communication.

Assistant Professor in the BA degree programme in Audiovisual Communication of the University of Barcelona. Her research interests include the analysis of new media platforms and quality of political information. H-index: 1.

Cristina Ruiz Moreno, Ramón Llull, University

Cristina Ruiz Moreno holds a BA degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Barcelona. Her Bachelor’s thesis offered a “Comparative analysis of the representation of political actors and their speech on the primetime news programmes of TVE and TV3”.

She is currently studying a MA in Cultural Production and Communication at the Ramon Llull-Blanquerna University. Her interests include the analysis of the media discourse and the quality of political information

Lydia Sánchez Gómez, University of Barcelona

Lydia Sánchez-Gómez is an Associate Professor of Audiovisual Communication at the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Barcelona.

She holds a Doctoral degree in Philosophy from Stanford University. Her research work focuses on the democratic quality of the media, epistemology and communication theory. H-index: 5.


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How to Cite

García Asensio, M. Ángeles, Aguilar Paredes, C., Jiménez Iglesias, L., Ruiz Moreno, C., & Sánchez Gómez, L. (2018). Reported speech as an indicator of internal pluralism in the media: the case of the news programmes of TVE and TV3. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (73), 991–1014.


